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发布时间:2018-01-04 20:02

  本文关键词:风电产业链式融资模式研究 出处:《中国科学院大学(工程管理与信息技术学院)》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 风电产业 链式融资 供应链金融

【摘要】:本文开篇重点阐述中国风电产业的发展状况,通过分析我国风电产业发展面临的问题,以及风电产业上游、中游、下游企业在发展过程中存在的融资困难,进而引出本文的研究内容和研究意义。然后,通过对国内外风电产业融资理论进行研究,建立起能够适用于国内风电产业发展实际的融资模式和链式融资体系,分别描述适用于电网企业、风电发电企业及风电设备制造商的融资模式。最后,以具体案例验证风电产业链式融资的可操作性及实用性,分别论述了商业银行、信托公司以及产业链核心企业在链式融资中发挥的重要作用,并归纳总结出应收账款转让、收益权转让及第三方信用增级等金融业务的交易结构,将企业融资和金融机构产品设计结合在一起,系统构建了风电产业链式融资金融产品体系,最终实现企业与金融机构的共赢。 本文的创新点是将链式融资模式引入风电产业融资,并通过具体实例验证风电产业中链式融资的重要价值,具有一定的实际应用意义。作者主要完成的工作如下: 1.对国内外风电产业融资理论进行了系统梳理,并指出国内风电产业融资存在的实际问题。 2.通过对多种融资理论进行研究,提出国内风电产业链式融资模式,站在产业链的角度,分层次设计出适用于不同企业的金融工具,“对症下药”解决企业在融资过程中遇到的各种难题。 3.分别以产业链下游的电网企业、中游的发电企业及上游的设备制造企业为案例,以不同金融工具验证风电产业链式融资的可操作性及实用性,为今后企业融资和金融机构产品设计提供帮助。 通过研究,得出以下研究结论:风电产业可以通过建立相对完整的链式融资模式解决融资结构简单、融资困难的问题;金融机构可以通过建立相对完整的链式融资产品体系,解决金融产品单一问题,与融资企业实现共赢。
[Abstract]:This article focuses on the development status of wind power industry China, through the analysis of China's wind power industry development problems, and the wind power industry upstream, midstream, financing difficulties existing in the development process of the enterprises, and introduces the research content and research significance. Then, through the research of the theory of domestic and foreign wind power industry financing, established can be applied to the domestic wind power industry development actual financing mode and financing chain system, were described for power enterprises, wind power and wind power equipment manufacturer enterprise financing mode. Finally, in the specific case to verify the operability and practicability of the financing chain of wind power industry, were discussed. The important role of commercial banks, trust companies and industry chain enterprises play in the chain of financing, and sums up the transfer of accounts receivable, the transfer of usufruct and the three party credit The transaction structure of grade and other financial businesses combines business financing and product design of financial institutions to build a chain finance financial product system of wind power industry, and ultimately achieve a win-win situation for enterprises and financial institutions.
The innovation of this paper is to introduce chained financing mode into the financing of wind power industry, and verify the important value of chained financing in wind power industry through practical examples, which has certain practical application significance.
1. the theory of wind power industry financing at home and abroad is systematically combed, and the actual problems existing in domestic wind power industry financing are pointed out.
2., through the study of various financing theories, this paper puts forward the chain financing mode of domestic wind power industry. From the perspective of industrial chain, we design different financial instruments that are suitable for different enterprises, and solve the problems encountered in the financing process.
3., take the power grid enterprises in the downstream industry chain, the power generation enterprises in the middle reaches and the equipment manufacturing enterprises in the upstream as the case, verify the operability and practicality of the chained financing in the wind power industry with different financial instruments, and provide help for the future enterprise financing and financial institutions product design.
Through the research, draw the following conclusions: wind power industry chain through the establishment of a relatively complete financing model to solve the financing structure is simple, the difficult problem of financing; financial institutions through the establishment of a relatively complete product chain financing system, solve the problem of single financial products, and enterprises to achieve win-win situation.



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