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发布时间:2018-01-05 07:23

  本文关键词:国开吉林公司哈达湾老工业区改造项目融资策略研究 出处:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 老工业区 搬迁改造 融资策略

【摘要】:吉林市哈达湾老工业区是在国家“一五”时期形成的,以造纸厂、水泥厂、碳素厂、铁合金厂为主,区域内工业企业生产污染非常严重。随着时间的推移,经济的发展,哈达湾老工业区渐渐演变为了城市核心,它的存在,对区域内居民的生活造成极大影响,同时也不利于松花江流域环境保护,阻碍了吉林市城市发展,已不符合吉林市城市发展的要求,急需改造。 2003年,国家实施振兴东北地区等老工业基地战略正式启动。2009年11月,长吉图开发开发先导区建设上升为国家战略,吉林市政府紧紧依托国家振兴东北老工业基地和长吉图开发开放先导区建设的有利契机,于2010年成立了吉林市城建发展有限公司,负责哈达湾老工业区整体搬迁改造工程。国家开发银行与吉林市政府在资金和政策方面给予了项目大力支持,国开行组成74亿元银团贷款,用于哈达湾老工业区项目改造。但项目实施后,仍遇到了各种问题,,最主要的问题就是资金超出概算严重,资金缺口巨大。如何扩大融资渠道,给予项目足够的资金补给,成为了哈达湾项目急需解决的首要问题。本文通过对国开吉林公司和哈达项目现状、存在的问题和将来的发展建议进行了全面分析,试图制定出适合国开吉林公司哈达湾老工业区改造项目的融资策略。 本论文共分为四个章节,第一部分主要介绍该论题的研究背景、研究意义与研究方法和内容。第二部分首先介绍了国开吉林公司和哈达湾老工业区的整体状况,然后对项目融资现状及存在问题进行了分析,找到项目目前面临的主要困难。第三部分通过对项目外部环境和公司三年财务报表进行分析,用SWOT模型列出了项目存在的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,为找出解决方法,制定融资策略做好铺垫。第四部分首先阐述了项目融资策略制定的基本思路,然后结合项目存在的困难和项目自身特点制定出适合项目的融资策略,最后阐述了项目融资策略实施的保障措施。 本论文旨在通过对国开吉林公司哈达湾老工业区改造项目进行研究和分析,制定出符合老工业区搬迁改造的特定融资策略,保证项目的顺利实施,为吉林市环境改善和经济发展做出应有的贡献。
[Abstract]:Jilin Hadawan old industrial zone is formed in the period of the national "15", the paper mill, cement plant, carbon plant, ferroalloy plant, industrial production area of pollution is very serious. With the passage of time, the development of economy, Hadawan old industrial area gradually evolved to the core of the city, its existence that caused great impact on the lives of residents in the area, and is not conducive to the Songhua River basin environmental protection, hindered the development of Jilin City, which do not conform to the development of the city of Jilin City, the urgent need to transform.
In 2003, the national implementation of the strategy of revitalizing the old industrial bases in Northeast China officially launched.2009 in November, the construction of Changjitu development pilot zone as a national strategy, Jilin municipal government firmly relying on favorable opportunity to revitalize the northeast old industrial base and the development of open Changjitu pilot area construction, was established in 2010 in Jilin City Construction Development Co. Ltd. in charge of Hadawan old industrial district overall relocation project. The National Development Bank and the Jilin municipal government in the capital and policies to give project support, CDB composed of 7 billion 400 million yuan for the syndicated loan, Hadawan old industrial area project. But after the implementation of the project, still encountered various problems, the main problem is beyond the capital the budget is serious, the funding gap is huge. How to expand the financing channels, give the project enough money supply, it has become the most important question Hadawan urgent project This paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the status quo, existing problems and future development proposals of the Jilin open company and hada project, and tries to work out a financing strategy that is suitable for Jilin hahda Bay old industrial area transformation project.
This paper is divided into four chapters, the first part mainly introduces the topics of the research background, research significance and research methods and contents. The second part introduces the open country of Jilin company and Hadawan old industrial area of the overall situation, then the status of project financing and the existing problems were analyzed, the main project is currently difficult to find the third part of the project. The external environment and company financial statements for three years were analyzed using the SWOT model, lists the project have advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats, in order to find out the solutions to the financing strategy formulation do well. The fourth part firstly expounds the basic idea of establishing project financing strategy, and then combined with the existing project the difficulties and the project characteristics of the development of suitable project financing strategies, finally expounds the safeguard measures for the implementation of project financing strategy.
The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze the transformation project of the old industrial area of hadai Bay in Jilin, and to develop a specific financing strategy that is suitable for the relocation and transformation of old industrial areas, ensuring the smooth implementation of the project and contributing to Jilin's environmental improvement and economic development.



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