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发布时间:2018-01-05 19:29

  本文关键词:N公司内部控制环境的优化研究 出处:《广西大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 内部控制 内部控制环境 治理结构 企业文化

[Abstract]:Since the global economic integration, with more and more cases of financial fraud in enterprises, internal control has gradually become a remarkable enterprise project. The importance of internal control to the survival and development of enterprises began to arouse widespread concern. As the core part of enterprise management, internal control is a kind of control mechanism for enterprises to restrict and adjust themselves. The internal control environment is the foundation of internal control, which provides an effective implementation platform for the control process, and is also the key to the successful establishment and smooth effect of internal control. The main reason why the internal control system of enterprises can not play an effective role is due to the internal control environment has different degrees of defects. On the basis of enough attention to the establishment of enterprise internal control system, it is necessary to pay more attention to the optimization of internal control environment. This paper takes the internal control environment as the main research object. The purpose of this paper is to study the defects and optimization measures of the internal control environment of enterprises, so that the enterprises can speed up the pace of optimizing their own internal control environment. In order to create favorable conditions for the implementation of the internal control system. The specific research ideas of this paper are: first, from the internal control environment at home and abroad, the status quo of its summary and analysis; Secondly, the development of the internal control environment and related theories are summarized, as the theoretical basis for the study; Then, with N company as the research object, from governance structure, corporate strategy, human resources, corporate culture, social responsibility to explain N company's internal control environment status quo. Then analyze the existing defects of its internal control environment; Finally, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to improve the internal control environment. Through improving the internal control environment of N company, we strive to better promote the successful implementation of the internal control system of this company. In order to provide effective protection for the continuous development of enterprises.


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