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发布时间:2018-01-06 11:38

  本文关键词:医药产品品牌资产构成和影响因素的分析 出处:《太原理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 医药产品 品牌 顾客忠诚 品牌资产 品牌资产提升

[Abstract]:With the constantly promote China's new medical reform policy, improve the increase and policy investment countries, the aging of the population. Public health awareness, the change and development of the service industry and equipment factors such as the development of the pharmaceutical business like a raging fire, China's pharmaceutical enterprises will be faced with rare opportunities, but also faces more competition and challenge in the market. The current economic situation, each small and medium-sized pharmaceutical companies want to create brand, and those who have tasted the sweetness of the brand of large and medium-sized pharmaceutical companies want to continue to strengthen the brand advantage, China pharmaceutical brand competitiveness in the future anticipated. China pharmaceutical enterprises should aim at the international market the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers and operators of position and large enterprises should actively participate in international competition, leading China pharmaceutical brand to the world, to realize the prosperity of the only way to Chinese medicine. When several, The domestic pharmaceutical enterprises play the "brand" banner, but for so many years, can give us the impressive brand is not much. Many enterprises under a lot of effort in advertising and sponsorship, but now how the brand value? At present, Chinese medicine brand is more like signs are sold a serious homogenization of products, demands almost identical to the concept, more often than those who channel capacity. In recent years, the phenomenon of mergers and acquisitions of pharmaceutical enterprises is becoming more and more serious, more and more enterprises begin to pay attention to this problem. This paper intends to brand equity definition of pharmaceutical product brand equity connotation from the output Perspective and perspective is made from, and carries out the investigation and analysis of influencing factors of pharmaceutical products brand assets, the brand assets promotion model suitable for pharmaceutical products. Based on the adjustment of some pharmaceutical products for users In this research, the definition of pharmaceutical products, brand equity, brand development strategy of pharmaceutical enterprises to develop recommendations, which has certain guiding significance for enterprises to enhance brand equity. This paper studies the composition and influencing factors of pharmaceutical products brand assets. First from the output perspective and perspective on the source of pharmaceutical products brand property to define. Through data collection survey of some medicine of our brand's brand value, the pharmaceutical products of brand equity from the output perspective; through the investigation of different brands of the same drug price, introduce some common drugs brand brand value, the analysis of these pharmaceutical products from the source of brand equity perspective. Through the establishment of a questionnaire survey and carries on the investigation to some drug users in Taiyuan District of Yingze, through the analysis of the survey results and shadow brand equity of pharmaceutical products for sound Analysis of current situation and development trend. At the present stage of China's pharmaceutical brands, analysis of pharmaceutical products to enhance the brand equity needs from what aspects, put forward countermeasures to solve the problems. Through the analysis of the pharmaceutical product brand in our country at the present stage, the brand equity circulation model which is suitable for pharmaceutical products. The innovation of this paper lies from the output perspective and sources respectively from the perspectives of pharmaceutical products brand assets are defined by the results of the questionnaire analysis and put forward the model of brand assets promotion for pharmaceutical products, has a certain significance for pharmaceutical enterprises to establish a brand.



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