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发布时间:2018-01-06 16:28

  本文关键词:GQ管理咨询公司商业计划分析 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: GQ 管理咨询 商业计划书 市场分析 知识管理

[Abstract]:In May 2013, Harvard Business school organized a "professional institutions are facing the threat of subversion" Roundtable "disruptive innovation theory founder Clayton Christensen and other representatives of the participants said:" disruptive innovation has swept many industries from steel to publishing, now with a force is reshaping the consulting industry subversion, is only a matter of time. "The management consulting industry has developed for 100 years from the originator to McKinsey as the representative of the enterprise, from the explosive growth of information to the journey, and then to today the management consulting industry intensified and disorderly competition. I focus on the power management consulting field, realize to provide management consulting services large state-owned enterprises such as power opportunities and problems, trying to set up a management consulting firm, seeking a better way or die To help enterprises solve the problem, better services to corporate customers, and to combine business school knowledge, by doing a business plan to sort out the business idea of.GQ management consulting company is to provide management consulting services for power enterprises. This business plan first by PEST, five forces analysis theory tools of management consulting industry the internal and external environment, business environment has clear advantages and problems, and then analyzes the market situation through questionnaire analysis and customer analysis, found the existence of market opportunities and problems to be solved; using SWOT, step theory tool Colbert competition strategy with STP marketing strategy to determine the enterprise strategy; and the use of 4P theory from the product pricing. Design, channel, marketing strategy with the promotion and other aspects; the analysis of the current management consulting organization with characteristics of their organization design The structure and the human resources management system; design and the most important of the management consulting industry project management system and knowledge management system, finally analyze the financial risk, and puts forward some countermeasures and possible. This business plan in the objective, scientific basis, combined with the actual situation of the entrepreneurial team, according to the writing the requirements of the business plan, for entrepreneurs to comb clear ideas. On the one hand the company was founded as theoretical guidance, provide strategic blueprint for the establishment of the company, on the other hand is for the creation of services such as banking, telecommunications and other similar state-owned enterprise management consulting company to provide the reference of the theory and practice of guidance.



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