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发布时间:2018-01-07 15:01

  本文关键词:基于工程量清单计价规范的建设项目投资风险管理研究 出处:《河北工程大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 投资方 清单计价 风险因素 概率分布 蒙特卡洛模拟

[Abstract]:At present, investors face in the investment of construction project is the main problems of large investment, long time to complete, and the risk in the process of completion of the entire complex. Investment in construction projects, first need to clear the nature of the project, because the project once started, will experience a feasibility study and bidding process, construction process and after the completion of acceptance, qualified, did not enter the earnings period of formal, many number of risk encountered in each stage, and a high degree of complexity, if not timely risk prediction and prevention, the construction project cost will increase, resulting in investment cost increase. The most direct argument is that investors are not to find a suitable construction project feasibility study, can through the bidding to choose the construction units and construction of a reliable single can not do Project completion acceptance is qualified in the final stage of sales promotion is in place, whether the profit and expected or exceeds the expected profitability. Therefore the risk analysis of construction project is reasonable, directly related to whether the construction project can be smoothly carried out and completed, but also related to the quality of the projects can reach the standard, the cost of the project whether it is reasonable and the construction period there is no delay. In this paper, the point of view of the investors in the 2013 edition of the construction project quantity list valuation specification were analyzed in detail, and uses AHP to main risk investment valuation of investment by name when facing, focuses on the risk in the bidding process, and that the investors face the risk in the bidding process of construction projects can be divided into two types: general risk and special risk, special risk usually only appear in the construction of the project. The needle The risk for the general class of technical means and technical methods in the present stage of our country have to solve. The risk is not the general nature, which means that the project also has a special place in the use of bill of quantities, according to the different construction projects, often encounter such problems, and the main aspect is the problem of unbalanced quotation as well as the actual engineering quantity and contract quantity discrepancies and so on. In the view of investors of the whole process of construction project risk investors faced, methods based on expert investigation and probability theory combined with analysis of specific parameters of probability distribution model and the corresponding data in accordance with the risk value based on risk factor framework, the formation of the Monte Carlo simulation model. The model of investment risk involved in all aspects of the project construction process, evaluation factors etc. The selection and analysis of how to use Monte Carlo method to the analysis of risk factors, then the risk factors were the main risk factors for extraction, and the extracted form a risk index system, with specific data, random simulation using simulation software, numerical prediction of the total investment, and analyze the sensitivity of risk factors mainly, the main risk factors for prediction of the total investment, find out the main risk factors impact on large projects, to facilitate the investors of these several take certain precautions, to avoid risks, reduce costs increase.



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