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发布时间:2018-01-08 00:16

  本文关键词:A电器股份有限公司营销成本管理分析与对策研究 出处:《长沙理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: A电器股份有限公司 营销成本管理 对策研究

[Abstract]:Marketing is the connection point between enterprises and market. Under the new economic situation, the marketing environment of enterprises becomes more and more complex, and the competition for market share and product sales between the same industry is becoming increasingly fierce. Economic globalization and the in-depth development of the domestic market economy no longer limit the requirements of enterprise development in the production link, more is the duel of marketing management, enterprises must actively find the market, cater to the market. Meet the market to achieve the purpose of survival and development of enterprises, and the most basic requirements of enterprises to adapt to the market is to strengthen the marketing management of products and services, and further, the management and control of marketing costs. Through the management control of marketing cost to achieve the stability and growth of enterprise profit income, therefore, enterprise marketing cost management is an important part of enterprise cost management. It is necessary to give full consideration to the comprehensive development strategy of enterprises, change the thinking of cost management in the past, and give full play to cost management in marketing strategies. In order to fully realize the cost management in the marketing link, this paper further explores the marketing cost management on the basis of the theory and research of the previous enterprise marketing cost management. This paper puts forward the viewpoint that the marketing cost management is the important content and position of the enterprise development strategy, deeply analyzes the content of the cost management in the marketing process, realizes the effective control of the cost, and analyzes the method according to the example. Through the in-depth study of marketing cost management of A Electric Company, the content of marketing cost management, cost budget, cost control and so on in the marketing cost management of this enterprise are analyzed. This paper finds out the problems and influencing factors in the construction of marketing cost management framework and management mechanism, and explores the new product strategies adopted by enterprises in marketing activities around the concept of "marketing". Promotion strategy, distribution strategy, pricing strategy and other marketing strategy combination of cost management content, research on the company in marketing cost management improvement countermeasures, will combine marketing management and cost management. The cost control can effectively serve the marketing management and realize the goal of the enterprise marketing management.


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