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发布时间:2018-01-10 00:28

  本文关键词:我国农机行业投资策略研究 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 农机行业 上市公司 投资价值 投资策略

【摘要】:近年来,国家对三农问题的重视程度逐渐加深,现代农业的发展对国民生活质量影响作用显著,,而提高农业机械化水平是促进现代农业健康可持续发展的必经之路。国家对农机购置实行优惠的补贴政策、下调农机制造业的增值税税率等一系列措施都表明农机行业已成为我国近年来重点关注的行业。因此,本文旨在用科学的方法对该行业的投资价值进行评估,进而提出投资策略指导投资者理性投资。 本文总结回顾了国内外学者关于投资判断的影响因素和投资价值的评估方法,着重介绍了投资价值分析的两种理论学派与评估方法,并对行业投资价值评估方法的现有研究成果进行了比较分析,在对我国农业机械制造业行业进行深入的调查的基础上,结合该行业的特点,运用文字描述与数据分析相结合的方式对农机行业的发展现状、发展趋势和行业内部企业的状况等问题进行分析,从成长性、盈利性、可进入性三个方面定性分析了我国农机行业的投资价值,在此基础上,以行业的28家上市公司作为研究样本,依据企业规模状况将分为大集团背景的专业农机公司与综合性农机公司两类,选取2008年到2012年度的财务数据,运用11个具有代表性的财务指标建立的投资价值评价指标体系,从定量的角度对该行业的投资价值进行了评价,并以此为根据,在明确对我国农机行业进行投资时的总体原则后,对如何在农机行业进行投资项目的选择提出具体的策略建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the national attention to the issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers gradually deepened, the development of modern agriculture has a significant impact on the quality of life of the people. Improving the level of agricultural mechanization is the only way to promote the healthy and sustainable development of modern agriculture. A series of measures, such as reducing the value-added tax rate of agricultural machinery manufacturing industry, indicate that the agricultural machinery industry has become the focus of our country in recent years. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the investment value of agricultural machinery industry by scientific methods. And then put forward investment strategy to guide investors to invest rationally. This paper summarizes and reviews the influence factors of investment judgment and the evaluation methods of investment value of domestic and foreign scholars, focusing on the introduction of two theoretical schools and evaluation methods of investment value analysis. And on the basis of the in-depth investigation of the agricultural machinery manufacturing industry in China, combined with the characteristics of the industry, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the existing research results of the industry investment value evaluation methods. Using the combination of text description and data analysis, this paper analyzes the current situation, the development trend and the status of the enterprises in the agricultural machinery industry from the perspective of growth and profitability. On the basis of qualitative analysis of the investment value of agricultural machinery industry in China, 28 listed companies in the industry are taken as research samples. According to the size of the enterprise will be divided into large group background of professional agricultural machinery companies and comprehensive agricultural machinery companies two types of financial data from 2008 to 2012. Using 11 representative financial indicators to establish the investment value evaluation index system, this paper evaluates the investment value of the industry from a quantitative point of view, and based on it. After making clear the general principle of investing in agricultural machinery industry in China, the paper puts forward some specific suggestions on how to choose the investment project in agricultural machinery industry.


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