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发布时间:2018-01-10 04:13

  本文关键词:医药行业并购中的财务相关问题研究 出处:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 医药行业 并购整合 财务

【摘要】:随着科技的发展和网络的普及,全球经济的一体化势头日趋明显,各种行业的整合,资本的整合日趋频繁。企业间的兼并收购作为一种有明确目的交易行为,逐渐被大家所接受。这些并购的动因包括:资源整合,提高效率,优化结构,提高竞争力,对抗风险等等。世间的万事万物,变化是永恒的主题,企业面临问题或者面临选择时,要么被动应对,失去先机;要么主动出击,寻找出路。中国古语云:流水不腐,户枢不蠹。企业在发展过程中会不断积累一些问题,在市场激烈竞争中,也将逐渐面临许多压力,,如果善于把握机会,在变化中寻求解决之道,那么,企业前行的动能将更加积极和健康。并购行为正是一种主动出击的解决之道,是企业在做好内生发展的前提之下,借力外延发展,为股东创造价值的优选方式。 近些年来,随着我国市场经济的迅速发展,医药行业也出现了爆炸性增长。人们日益提高的健康要求,让整个医药行业欣欣向荣,面临着难得的历史发展机遇;同时,政府对健康产业的越来越严格的监管措施,也给医药行业带来了转型和洗牌的挑战。伴随着医药行业间并购的不断开展,对相关财务问题进行研究,具有非常重要的理论价值与现实意义。 第一章,绪论,主要介绍了论题写作的背景及意义,以及本文主要的研究内容、研究方法和并购在国内外的研究现状,并购的动因和方式研究等 第二章介绍了中国的制造业转型升级背景下的机遇和挑战“中国制造”在日益竞争的全球化语境中,面临许多转型升级压力;医药行业的发展现状的机遇和挑战在哪里? 第三章分析了医药行业并购的现状和特点:行业特点是飞速发展,监管日趋严格,门槛越来越高,鱼目混珠,百花齐放的时代已经过去。核心竞争力的提升和整合资源的能力,越来越被认为是企业发展的原动力。核心的竞争力包括知识产权,产业化能力,市场策略;整合能力更是上升到战略层面,决定了企业的生死。 第四章探讨了医药行业企业并购中的税务及其财务问题:不同的并购情形的财务处理差异,税务预见能力和筹划,决定了并购的价值甚至并购的成败。 第五章最终提出了应对我国医药企业并购财务问题的策略建议。
[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology and the popularization of network, the integration of global economy is becoming more and more obvious, and the integration of various industries and capital is becoming more and more frequent. These mergers and acquisitions are gradually accepted. The motivation of these mergers and acquisitions includes: resource integration, improving efficiency, optimizing structure, improving competitiveness, fighting risks and so on. All things in the world, change is the eternal theme. When faced with problems or choices, enterprises should either respond passively and lose the first chance; As the Chinese saying goes, "the flow of water is uncorrupted and the pivot is not worse.Enterprises will accumulate some problems in the process of development, and will gradually face a lot of pressure in the fierce competition in the market." If we are good at grasping opportunities and seeking solutions in the process of change, then the momentum ahead of enterprises will be more positive and healthy. M & A is a kind of active solution. It is an excellent way for enterprises to create value for shareholders on the premise of endogenous development. In recent years, with the rapid development of the market economy in China, the pharmaceutical industry has also seen explosive growth. Facing rare opportunities for historical development; At the same time, the government of the health industry more and more stringent regulatory measures, but also to the pharmaceutical industry has brought transformation and reshuffle challenges. With the continuous development of mergers and acquisitions between the pharmaceutical industry, the related financial issues are studied. It has very important theoretical value and practical significance. The first chapter, introduction, mainly introduces the background and significance of the thesis writing, as well as the main research contents, research methods and research status of M & A at home and abroad, the motivation and mode of M & A, etc. The second chapter introduces the opportunities and challenges of China's manufacturing industry under the background of transformation and upgrading. "made in China" in the increasingly competitive context of globalization, facing a lot of pressure of transformation and upgrading; Where are the opportunities and challenges for the development of the pharmaceutical industry? The third chapter analyzes the current situation and characteristics of M & A in the pharmaceutical industry: the characteristics of the industry are rapid development, increasingly strict supervision, higher and higher threshold, mixed with fish and eyes. The era of blooming a hundred flowers has passed. The promotion of core competence and the ability to integrate resources are more and more regarded as the driving force of enterprise development. The core competitiveness includes intellectual property, industrialization and market strategy. Integration ability is rising to the strategic level, which determines the life and death of the enterprise. Chapter 4th discusses the tax and its financial problems in M & A of pharmaceutical enterprises: the differences in financial treatment of different M & A cases, tax foresight ability and planning determine the value of M & A and even the success or failure of M & A. Chapter 5th finally puts forward the strategic suggestions to deal with the financial problems of M & A of pharmaceutical enterprises in China.


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5 刘湘蓉;谢凤华;李余征;;中国医药企业并购后整合模型的构建[J];统计与决策;2007年14期




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