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发布时间:2018-01-10 08:37

  本文关键词:我国“三公”消费问题的基本思考 出处:《东北财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: “三公”消费 问题 对策

【摘要】:“三公”消费,在我国是指政府部门人员因公出国(境)、公务车购置及运行、公务招待产生的消费,本是政府为了维持国家权力机关正常运作所支付的资金,是行政成本的组成部分。但是在我国,由于管理体制陈旧、缺乏有效监督机制等原因,使得公车私用,公款吃喝,公费出国,损公肥私的现象十分严重。这导致了我国目前“三公”消费总额巨大且难以有效控制,不仅给国家财政带来了极大负担,还使政府公信力下降,造成了严重负面的社会影响。因此,“三公”消费问题是当前公共行政领域亟待解决的问题之一。 国务院总理李克强,在2013年3月17日答记者问时提出“约法三章”:本届政府任期内,一是政府性的楼堂馆所一律不得新建;二是财政供养的人员只减不增;三是公费接待、公费出国、公费购车只减不增。对这三条,中央政府要带头做起,一级做给一级看。显示了党和政府对于治理现行“三公”消费问题的力度与决心。在政府大力度的整治“三公”消费问题的同时,从理论和实践上对我国“三公”消费问题进行研究,有着极其重要的社会现实意义。 本文根据公共财政学的有关理论,采用理论分析与实践分析相结合的研究方法,通过文献考察和历史考察,依循“分析问题、解决问题”的基本研究思路,较为全面地分析了我国“三公”消费的现状和存在的问题,并结合我国实际情况、借鉴国外抑制“三公”消费问题的成功经验,提出了治理我国“三公”消费问题的对策建议。
[Abstract]:"three public" consumption, in our country, refers to government personnel go abroad because of official business (border, business vehicle purchase and operation, official business entertainment produce consumption, this is the government in order to maintain the normal operation of the state power organs of the funds paid. But in our country, due to the old management system, lack of effective supervision mechanism and other reasons, make the bus private use, public money and drink, go abroad at public expense. The phenomenon of losing public wealth is very serious, which leads to the huge and difficult to control the total amount of "three public" consumption in our country at present, which not only brings a great burden to the national finance, but also reduces the credibility of the government. Therefore, the problem of "three public" consumption is one of the problems to be solved urgently in the field of public administration. Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council, when answering a reporter's question on March 17th 2013, put forward "three chapters of the law": during the term of office of this government, all government buildings and halls should not be built; Second, the number of people supported by the financial only decreases and does not increase; Third, the central government should take the lead in accepting at public expense, going abroad at public expense, and not increasing the number of cars purchased at public expense. It shows the strength and determination of the Party and the government to deal with the current "three public" consumption problems, while the government is making great efforts to rectify the "three public" consumption problems at the same time. It is of great social significance to study the consumption of "three public" in our country theoretically and practically. According to the relevant theories of public finance, this paper adopts the research method of combining theoretical analysis with practical analysis, and follows the basic research idea of "analyzing problems, solving problems" through literature review and historical investigation. This paper comprehensively analyzes the present situation and existing problems of "three public" consumption in our country, and combines the actual situation of our country, draws lessons from the successful experience of foreign countries to restrain the "three public" consumption problem. Put forward the countermeasures and suggestions to solve the problem of "three public" consumption in our country.


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