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发布时间:2018-01-11 07:30

  本文关键词:A制造企业资本项目预算和风险管理分析 出处:《上海交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 制造企业 资本预算 风险管理 敏感性分析

[Abstract]:Long investment cycle is a major feature of capital account, and often accompanied by a large amount of investment, in the enterprise, as an important step of strategic realization. It is closely related to the long-term development strategy of the enterprise. Every decision of the enterprise will affect the profit and risk of the company, therefore, facing the complex market and economic situation. While we pay close attention to the enterprise capital account budget management, we must also consider the capital account risk management, strengthen the enterprise capital account budget and risk resistance ability, this article is under this consideration premise. Through the research of enterprise capital budget and risk management, we find the difficulties in the enterprise capital budget management, and seek solutions to the problems. In addition, we take the initiative to carry out risk management. The capital management of enterprises has been further standardized, and the risk management of enterprises has been further strengthened. The analysis and demonstration process of this paper is mainly through the combination of capital budget and risk management. Using the commonly used payback period method NPV method and sensitivity analysis to complete the demonstration process. Firstly, on the basis of domestic and foreign research on capital account budget management and risk management. Starting with the traditional theory of capital budget decision and the theory of risk management, this paper systematically introduces the methods and functions of capital project budget management and risk management management. And make clear the important position of risk management in capital budget management, emphasize the importance of risk management to capital account management. Then. Through the analysis of the current situation of domestic manufacturing enterprises and based on the results of questionnaires, this paper summarizes the main problems facing the capital budget management of manufacturing enterprises in China. Chapter 4th is the focus of this paper. According to my experience in capital account management in company A, through the specific project case analysis, using a series of data charts, from the project budget and decision-making, financial risk and project risk. This paper introduces in detail how transnational corporations carry out capital account budget management and risk management, which provides a feasible template for domestic enterprises to carry out capital account budget and risk management. The paper puts forward some suggestions on the application of capital budget management and risk management in domestic enterprises, and chooses the payback period method and cash flow method which are easy to use and acceptable to the management of the enterprise. Sensitivity analysis and risk map are also used in the risk management system. It is hoped that the whole system of capital budget and risk management of investment projects will be analyzed and discussed in this paper. The study of two key elements in the. Can be used for reference and reference to the capital account management of domestic enterprises.


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