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发布时间:2018-01-12 03:17

  本文关键词:德州南服务区成品油库建设项目经济效益评价研究 出处:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 经济效益评价 AHP 成品油库

[Abstract]:In recent years, the economy of Shandong Province has been growing steadily and rapidly, and the total amount of GDP has been ranked first three in the whole country for several years in a row, and the growth rate is far higher than that of other provinces and cities in China. Shandong Province has developed traffic, with roads, highways and railways. The transportation network formed by the waterway is connected in all directions, the rapid development of economy, the convenient transportation condition. Shandong Province is in the accelerated stage of industrialization and urbanization, energy demand has increased sharply. "the 12th Five-Year Plan" period. The consumption of refined oil in Shandong Province is higher than the national average. At present, the total energy consumption of Shandong Province has been among the top in the country, and the situation of energy supply is very severe because of the shortage of resources reserves in Shandong Province. It is of great significance to study the construction of finished oil depot in South Texas Service area in Shandong Province. The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the economic benefits of the construction project of finished oil depot in South Texas Service area. The main line is the evaluation of the economic benefit of the construction project of the district oil product depot. The index of economic benefit evaluation for the construction project of finished oil depot in South Texas Service area is put forward. In the course of this study, the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy evaluation method are mainly used. The evaluation index system of the economic benefit of the project is analyzed and evaluated, and the purpose of this paper is basically achieved. It provides a scientific system method for the economic benefit of the oil depot construction project. Firstly, the basic situation of the finished oil depot construction project in South Texas Service area is analyzed. The background and market demand of the oil depot construction project are analyzed. Secondly, the theoretical knowledge of the evaluation of the economic benefits of the project is studied. The financial analysis and evaluation of the construction project of the finished oil depot in South Texas Service area are carried out at first. Finally, the economic benefits of the construction project of the finished Oil Depot in South Texas Service area are evaluated. The evaluation index system of project economic benefit is constructed by using AHP- fuzzy evaluation method. On the basis of the index system of economic benefit evaluation, combined with the actual situation of the project, through the questionnaire and experts scoring, the weight of each index is obtained, and according to the weight of each index and the evaluation score. The comprehensive evaluation results of the economic benefits of the project are calculated, and the results are analyzed.


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