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发布时间:2018-01-13 07:37

  本文关键词:中交路桥建设合同成本信息化管理研究 出处:《长沙理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 中交路桥 合同成本 WBS分解 风险管控 信息化

[Abstract]:This paper studies how to upgrade the overall technical framework and code from the data layer and the page display layer by upgrading the overall technical structure and code in the contract cost information management practice of the construction general contracting enterprise Zhongjiao Road Bridge Company. The network layer is optimized to improve the efficiency and stability of the system. Combing the responsibility and process of contract cost management in each business department and solidifying it into information system, the cost of subcontract is effectively controlled, and the cost management department has its own responsibility, and the data and information are shared. The effect of process restriction on each other; The WBS cost decomposition specification is formulated, the boundary condition of subcontract list is unified, the WBS cost decomposition business function is added and the data integration with production, subcontract, material and machinery related business modules is made. Through the information technology to realize the dynamic cost management in advance, in the process, after the whole process, the whole staff control, and set up the expected total revenue and total cost management information model; A risk early warning information system including 17 items of contract cost risk warning index is established, which realizes the contract, automatically early warning after the occurrence of cost risk, and improves the level of enterprise risk management and control. APP mobile office application platform has been developed, the informatization has been pushed from "desktop" to "palm", which has basically achieved the effect of convenient office at any time and anywhere. The people-oriented informatization makes the management more efficient and convenient. Mobile application promotes the application of information, improves the efficiency and satisfaction of employees, and improves the efficiency of enterprise management. In this paper, the concept of expected total income and total cost management information model is put forward innovatively. A set of mathematical model and data processing system of project cost control are established. The data of each cost related business system can be docked to automatically generate the expected total income of construction project according to the real-time business occurrence. The basic standard of WBS cost management is established, and the research of risk management information system based on business information system is also in the leading position in China.


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