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发布时间:2018-01-13 10:54

  本文关键词:中部金属物流园仓单质押业务风险管理 出处:《郑州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 中部金属物流园 仓单质押 流程 风险防控

【摘要】:仓单质押业务通过物流与金融二者的结合为中小企业融资难问题提供了有效的解决途径,也为银行和物流企业带来了新的利润增长点,作为一个新的物流服务业务,它是传统物流企业向现代物流发展的方向。同时,仓单质押也被认为是一种金融产品,为了规避金融风险,物流企业作为第三方担保人,减少了银行的风险,所以在今后相当长的时间里,仓单质押业务可以有效的解决目前我国信用体系不完善的问题。近年来该项业务受到了银行、生产企业、商贸企业、物流企业的广泛关注,但由于仓单质押业务开展过程中需要三方甚至更多业务主体的参与,各自所关心的利益不同,所处的环境不同,所以都在最大程度的规避自己的风险,这样就造成了仓单质押业务经营高风险的存在。所以如何识别仓单质押业务流程中的风险,并制定行之有效的风险防控措施,确保业务中各方主体的权益不受损害,就成为了当前急需要解决的问题。 本文首先介绍仓单质押的含义,对影响仓单质押业务开展的信息不对称理论、自偿性贸易融资理论和信誉联盟理论做了介绍,并对目前国内开展仓单质押业务的情况及以后发展的前景做了分析。其次对中部金属物流园开展仓单质押业务的内、外环境进行分析,同时对仓单质押的静态、动态、买方信贷、卖方信贷质押流程做了介绍并找出各个流程中存在的风险点。再次对我国目前开展仓单质押业务普遍存在的风险做了分析,并对中部金属物流园在信用、市场和操作中存在的风险进行归纳并对成因进行分析。最后针对上述风险提出具体的防范措施。 通过对中部金属物流园仓单质押业务流程的研究,对流程中极易出现的风险提出了相应的防范措施,希望本研究对国内同类企业仓单质押业务风险防控具有一定的借鉴和参考意义。
[Abstract]:Warehouse receipt pledge business through the combination of logistics and finance provides an effective way to solve the financing difficulties of SMEs, but also brings new profit growth point for banks and logistics enterprises. As a new logistics service business, it is the direction that traditional logistics enterprises develop to modern logistics. At the same time, warehouse receipt pledge is considered as a kind of financial product, in order to avoid financial risk. Logistics companies as third party guarantors, reduce the risk of banks, so in the future for quite a long time. Warehouse receipt pledge business can effectively solve the problem of imperfect credit system in China. In recent years, this business has been widely concerned by banks, production enterprises, trade enterprises, logistics enterprises. But because the warehouse receipt pledge business development process needs the participation of three parties or even more business subjects, they are concerned about different interests, in different environments, so they all avoid their own risks to the greatest extent. Therefore, how to identify the risk in the business process of warehouse receipt pledge and formulate effective risk prevention and control measures. To ensure that the rights and interests of all parties in the business are not damaged, has become the urgent need to solve the problem. This paper first introduces the meaning of warehouse receipt pledge, and introduces the information asymmetry theory, self-reimbursable trade financing theory and reputation alliance theory which affect the development of warehouse receipt pledge business. And the current domestic situation of warehouse receipt pledge business and the prospects for future development are analyzed. Secondly, the internal and external environment of warehouse receipt pledge business in the middle metal logistics park is analyzed. At the same time, the static state of warehouse receipt pledge is analyzed. Dynamic, buyer's credit and seller's credit pledge process are introduced and the risk points in each process are found. The risks in credit, market and operation of the central metal logistics park are summed up and the causes are analyzed. Finally, the specific preventive measures are put forward for the above risks. Through the research on the business process of warehouse receipt pledge in the middle metal logistics park, the paper puts forward the corresponding preventive measures to the risk which is easy to appear in the process. Hope this research has certain reference and reference significance to the domestic similar enterprise warehouse receipt pledge business risk prevention and control.


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