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发布时间:2018-01-13 17:10

  本文关键词:中航工业成飞集团财务集中管理实践研究 出处:《财政部财政科学研究所》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大型航空企业集团 财务集中管理 实践

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Chinese economy and the intensification of market competition, enterprise group companies have put forward higher requirements for internal management and control in order to adapt to the new situation. Enterprise group companies have begun to implement centralized financial management. To strengthen financial management and control, improve the ability of financial monitoring, prevent financial risks and optimize the allocation of resources; Taking the unified financial information system as the technical platform, this paper constructs the financial centralized management system of the group company, which is "centralized receipt and payment of funds, accounting grading, comprehensive budget management and comprehensive analysis of data". This paper takes Chengdu aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd as an example to describe the background of financial centralized management of enterprise group. This paper analyzes the theoretical basis, connotation and function of the current centralized financial management. This paper focuses on the main methods to realize the centralized financial management: first, the introduction of mature integrated accounting software, unified accounting policies. Unifying the accounting subjects and reporting system, standardizing the exchange units, unifying the price of the internal settlement of each unit of the company, and taking the unification of accounting standards as the basis, comprehensively combing the business process of financial management. Make the accounting process and business process combine organically, embed the financial management in each link of economic activity, realize the integration of financial business. Second, grasp the key business link on the basis of taking into account the comprehensive. Focus on key operational matters and high-risk areas and adopt stricter controls; Financial centralized accounting and control, financial information integration and sharing platform, total budget management and man-hour quota management are two more characteristic content; Through the financial embedded in the enterprise value chain of each link of economic activities to achieve financial management of the business process and value-added process. Third, the company takes financial centralized control as the financial accounting and management platform. Material management, production management, cost management will be fully combined to build a financial management digital platform. In addition, in order to ensure the centralized management of financial information, in view of the company's need for confidentiality. The financial network of the group company adopts the method of "1 1", which sets up an intranet financial system and an extranet financial system in the headquarters of the group. The two networks are physically isolated and regularly recorded on CD-ROM, and then imported into the intranet after examination. In order to realize the group company's whole financial information unification practice, after the company has implemented the financial centralized management, the business process is more optimized, the financial standard is unified and standardized, the important financial index is controlled in real time. The mode of financial management has become more and more perfect, and the social and economic benefits have also been improved significantly, which can be used as a reference for the centralized financial management of similar enterprise groups.


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