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发布时间:2018-01-14 01:35

  本文关键词:保山市水长工业园区给水供电工程项目BOT融资模式研究 出处:《云南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 基础设施建设 BOT 项目融资 融资模式

【摘要】:为了有效的缓解我国政府投资基础设施建设的财政支出压力,以及有效的把民间闲散的资金成功的吸引到基础设施的建设上来,在基础设施的建设中,有效的使用BOT项目模式是必须的。然而现阶段,我国对于BOT项目模式的适应还处于初步的尝试阶段,因此,对BOT项目模式有针对性并且严格的运作是最为关键所在。通常情况下,在有关政府的统一指引下,进行先试点再推广的战略能够有效的对BOT模式适用法律和人才等方面出现的问题进行有效的解决,以借助BOT融资模式对我国基础设施建设方面提供巨大的帮助。 本文运用文献分析、案例分析、总结归纳等研究方法,探讨了保山市水长工业园区给水供电工程BOT项目融资的运作程序、存在问题及成因,提出了解决BOT融资存在问题的对策。论文首先介绍了项目融资的基本概念和模式,以及BOT项目融资的内涵及特点、优势和渠道、BOT项目融资的合理性,介绍了BOT融资模式在国外的发展情况以及我国的发展现状。接着,在介绍BOT融资模式运作程序的基础上,详细介绍了保山市水长工业园区给水供电工程BOT项目融资的运作程序,分析了BOT融资过程中存在的问题以及存在这些问题的成因。最后,结合保山市水长工业园区给水供电工程BOT融资项目的运作实际,总结了政府投资建设BOT项目融资模式的特点和经验,提出了完善保山市水长工业园区给水供电工程BOT项目融资模式的对策。
[Abstract]:In order to effectively alleviate the pressure on fiscal expenditure of our government investment in infrastructure construction, and effectively put civil idle funds successfully attracted to the infrastructure construction, in the construction of infrastructure, the effective use of BOT project mode is necessary. However, at the present time, China is still in the preliminary trial stage. To adapt to the BOT project mode so on BOT project mode targeted and strict operation is the most key. Typically, the unified guidelines on the government, effectively solve the first pilot to be able to effectively promote the strategic of BOT mode applicable laws and talents etc. the problem with the BOT financing mode, provide great help for the infrastructure construction of our country.
This paper uses literature analysis, case analysis, summarizes the research methods of induction, discusses the operation procedure of the water long industrial park water supply engineering BOT project financing of Baoshan City, the existing problems and causes, puts forward solutions to the problems of BOT financing. This paper firstly introduces the basic concept and project financing mode, and the connotation of BOT project financing and characteristics, advantages and rationality of BOT project financing channels, and introduces the development of BOT financing mode in foreign countries and the status quo of the development of our country. Then, based on the BOT financing mode of operation procedure, introduces the operation procedure of the water long industrial park water supply engineering BOT project financing in Baoshan city and analyzes the causes of existing problems in the BOT financing and the existence of these problems. Finally, combined with the Baoshan city water supply water supply engineering Long Industrial Park, the actual operation of BOT financing project, This paper summarizes the characteristics and experiences of government investment in the construction of BOT project financing mode, and puts forward some countermeasures to improve the BOT project financing mode of water power supply project in Baoshan water long industrial park.



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