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发布时间:2018-01-14 06:34

  本文关键词:环境制约下能源类企业盈利与经济增长的关系研究 出处:《对外经济贸易大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 能源消费 环境污染 企业盈利

【摘要】:我国的经济经历了连续几十年的高速增长,,随之带来的能源问题、环境问题也日益凸显出来。我国过去以能源高消费、环境污染为支撑的经济飞速发展难以持续。在不久的将来,中国必将因为能源与环境的约束而遇到发展的瓶颈。届时,中国的能源结构到了不得不调整的地步。水能、风能等可再生能源将大幅度替代煤炭、石油等传统化石能源。因此,能源问题是中国未来发展的关键因素。在这样的宏观背景下,我国能源企业的盈利性面临着很大的不确定性。 本文研究了能源企业盈利的主要驱动因素,其中包括经济增长、能源消费、货币供应、环境污染等。本文对我国的能源企业的盈利进行了实证分析,在分析过程中使用了普通最小二乘法、工具变量法等多种计量经济模型。分析结果表明,能源企业的盈利直接受到能源消费量和货币供应量的影响。经济增长、污染物排放约束、环保投资等多个其他变量通过上述两个变量间接影响能源企业的盈利。 本文还对中国、日本、美国的能源消费量的主要驱动因素做了探索性分析。在研究过程中,首先建立了面板数据模型,然后采用混合模型、固定效应模型等多种分析方法进行研究。研究结果显示,能源消费量主要受到教育和经济增长两个因素的影响。教育通过影响科技研发水平而降低能源消费量。然而,教育的当期值对能源消费量影响不大,滞后值对能耗的影响比较显著。日本、美国增加相同单位的GDP时,需要消耗的能源远低于我国。
[Abstract]:China's economy has experienced decades of rapid growth, followed by energy problems, environmental problems are also increasingly prominent. Our country used to be high energy consumption. The rapid development of the economy supported by environmental pollution is not sustainable. In the near future, China will encounter the bottleneck of development because of the constraints of energy and environment. China's energy mix has to be adjusted. Renewable energy sources such as hydropower and wind energy will significantly replace traditional fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum. Energy problem is the key factor for the future development of China. Under such a macro background, the profitability of Chinese energy enterprises is facing great uncertainty. This paper studies the main driving factors of energy enterprises' profitability, including economic growth, energy consumption, money supply, environmental pollution and so on. Various econometric models such as ordinary least square method and tool variable method are used in the analysis. The results show that the profit of energy enterprises is directly affected by energy consumption and money supply. Many other variables, such as pollutant emission restriction, environmental protection investment and so on, indirectly affect the profit of energy enterprises through the above two variables. In this paper, the main driving factors of energy consumption in China, Japan and the United States are analyzed. In the research process, the panel data model is first established, and then the hybrid model is adopted. Fixed effect model and other analysis methods are studied. The results show that. Energy consumption is mainly affected by two factors: education and economic growth. Education reduces energy consumption by influencing the level of scientific and technological research and development. However, the current value of education has little effect on energy consumption. The lag value has a significant effect on energy consumption. When Japan and the United States increase the same unit of GDP, the energy consumption is much lower than that in China.


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