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发布时间:2018-01-16 07:25

  本文关键词:互联网环境下高校会计信息化安全问题研究 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 会计信息化 安全 高校

【摘要】:论文结合北京某市属高校案例的具体分析,对互联网环境下高校会计信息化安全问题进行了研究,并提出安全解决方案。旨在为高校的财务管理搭建-个更加安全的互联网环境下的会计信息系统平台,更大程度地发挥会计信息系统的优势,使高校的管理水平更上一层楼。 论文对高校会计信息化平台的运行模式进行了优劣势对比研究,得出最佳模式为B/S模式与C/S模式有机结合的互补模式;就互联网环境下会计信息平台的安全技术进行了详细的探讨;用问卷调查的方式对高校会计信息化水平现状及安全问题进行调研分析,论证实现高校会计信息化平台向互联网全面开放的可行性;最终联系本人的工作经历提出了保障互联网环境下高校会计信息系统安全的设计方案。 论文的亮点是理论联系实际提出了一套安全解决方案,通过对自己十多年的高校会计信息化管理经验进行总结,在导师的指导下升华为论文成果,然后从成果中进一步运用于实践,拟实现从实践中来总结、梳理、升华之后又回实践中去的良性循环。作者期望本论文可以为互联网环境下部署会计信息系统安全体系提供一定的理论和实践方面的借鉴。
[Abstract]:Based on the specific analysis of a case of a city university in Beijing, this paper studies the security of accounting information in colleges and universities under the Internet environment. The purpose of this paper is to set up a more secure accounting information system platform under the Internet environment for the financial management of colleges and universities, and to give full play to the advantages of accounting information system to a greater extent. To improve the management level of colleges and universities. This paper compares the advantages and disadvantages of the operation mode of accounting information platform in colleges and universities, and draws the conclusion that the best mode is the complementary mode which combines the B / S mode and the C / S mode organically. The security technology of accounting information platform under Internet environment is discussed in detail. This paper investigates and analyzes the present situation and security of accounting informatization level in colleges and universities by means of questionnaire, and proves the feasibility of realizing the full opening of accounting informatization platform to the Internet. Finally, according to my working experience, this paper puts forward a design scheme to ensure the security of accounting information system in the Internet environment. The highlight of the paper is the combination of theory with practice to put forward a set of security solutions, through more than 10 years of experience in accounting information management in colleges and universities to summarize, under the guidance of the instructor sublimated for the paper results. Then from the results of further application in practice, to achieve from the practice to summarize, comb. The author expects that this paper can provide some theoretical and practical reference for the deployment of accounting information system security system in the Internet environment.


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