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发布时间:2018-01-16 09:09

  本文关键词:江西省农村公路建养资金筹集管理研究 出处:《南昌大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 农村公路 建养 筹资管理

【摘要】:农村公路是公益性的公共基础设施,是农村生产生活、农村经济社会发展的基础。“要想富,先修路”、“公路通,百业兴”等谚语已经成为农村公路在农村经济社会发展和广大农民生活中重要作用的集中体现和经验总结。农村公路也是建设社会主义新农村,服务三农,带动农村经济快速发展的有效手段。发展和改善农村公路交通,是解决好“三农”问题的重要前提和基础条件。任何事业的发展都离不开充足资金的支持,而农村公路却往往由于各地方政府财力的缺乏使农村公路建养资金得不到有力保障。农村公路在我国农村地区生产生活中起着重要的作用,是国家公路网络体系中不可分割的部分,是具有先导性、基础性、服务性等特点的重要基础设施。经过上一个五年计划时期的蓬勃发展,我国农村公路的总体数量不断攀升,公路结构得到进一步优化,相关部门对公路的管理能力不断加强,工作效率、服务能力也有了质的飞越,这使得农村公路成为我国农村经济社会发展的重要保障。 本研究以江西省农村公路建养为研究对象,通过对江西省农村公路建养筹资现状的研究找出目前江西省筹资模式存在的问题,并对国外先进的农村公路筹资模式进行介绍,在此基础上提出完善江西省农村公路建养筹资管理的相关建议。本文提出要建立多元化筹资机制,省级政府应该利用金融市场进行融资,成立专门的农村公路建设贷款银行,利用债券进行筹资,建立公路建设及养护基金。另外,还要建立县级政府对于公路建养的投入机制,加强地方政府对农村公路建养的财政支持。最后,要建立农村公路养护的市场化筹资渠道,深入开发道路资源。
[Abstract]:Rural roads are public infrastructure and public welfare, is the production of life in rural areas, rural economic and social development. "To the rich, first road", "road, baiyexing" has become an important role in proverbs of rural highway in rural economic and social development and farmers' life is the reflection and experience of rural highway. Is building a new socialist countryside, rural services, promote the effective means of the rapid development of rural economy. The development and improvement of rural highway traffic, is an important prerequisite and basic condition to solve the "three rural" problems. Any enterprise all cannot do without adequate funding, and rural roads but often because of the lack of local government financial resources the rural highway construction and maintenance funds can not be ensured. The rural highway plays an important role in the production and life in rural areas, is a national highway network system in Part is the pilot of the basic infrastructure, an important characteristic of service and so on. Through the vigorous development of a five year plan period, the total number of China's rural roads continue to rise, further optimization of highway structure, the relevant departments to continue to strengthen the highway management ability, work efficiency, service the ability to have a qualitative leap, which makes the rural highway has become an important guarantee for China's economic and social development in rural areas.
In this study, the construction and maintenance of rural highway in Jiangxi Province as the research object, through the research on the construction and maintenance of rural highway in Jiangxi province of Jiangxi province to find out the current status of financing mode of financing problems, and the foreign advanced rural highway financing mode, put forward relevant suggestions to improve the rural highway of Jiangxi province construction and maintenance of financing management. This paper proposes to establish a diversified financing mechanism, the provincial government should be financed by financial market, set up a special rural highway construction financing by bank loans, bonds, the establishment of highway construction and maintenance funds. In addition, the county government should be established for the construction and maintenance of highway investment mechanism, strengthen local government construction and maintenance of rural highway financial support finally, the market to establish a rural road maintenance financing channels, further development of road resources.



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