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发布时间:2018-01-17 20:38

  本文关键词:重汽财务公司汽车金融风险管理研究 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 重汽财务公司 汽车金融 风险管理

【摘要】:中国重汽财务公司(以下简称重汽财务公司)作为中国重汽集团出资的非银行金融机构,从设立到现在已经27年的时间了,作为国内最早成立的四家财务公司之一,公司发展历经波折。经过2004年重组,尤其是近几年的努力,重汽财务公司作为一家现代金融企业的架构、功能、体系基本形成,财务公司作为集团金融产业平台的龙头和核心,在市场开拓、经营管理、风险防范、规范发展、金融产品研发、IT建设等逐步取得进展,充分发挥财务公司的金融服务平台作用,实现集团存量资金效益最大化,已经逐步融入集团的各项业务领域,产融结合效果明显,风险管理水平进一步提升,为集团的发展做出了应尽的贡献。自2008年开始办理汽车消费贷款业务以来,已累计促销车辆2.2万辆,累计发放汽车贷款53亿元,涉及重卡、自卸车、轻卡、特种车、客车挖掘机等重汽所有品牌车系。汽车金融对集团产品销售的推动作用明显提升,汽车金融促销理念已逐步融入到各主营单位及经销商意识和销售行为中,汽车金融成为集团实现汽车销售的有力工具。 然而,在各项业务快速发展的同时,各种内部及外部的风险问题也逐步显现出来,产生了一定的风险隐患。主要体现在: 一是信贷标的物的不易控制性、借款人的低端性和还款资金来源的不确定性等特点决定了公司汽车金融业务高风险性。中国重汽的产品主要以工程自卸车、水泥搅拌车为主,借款人主要以农民、工程承包商等低收入群体构成,整体素质尤其是信用意识不高,车辆运行环境复杂,受经济下行压力影响,钢铁、水泥、煤炭等能源行业的产量及使用量有大幅度下降,借款人经营状况受到严重影响,运量严重不足,运费清算资金难以及时到位,造成还款资金来源出现问题。 二是同业务快速发展相比,内部管理相对薄弱,金融属性缺失,风险管理水平有待提升。 三是作为一家老牌财务公司,自身在经营理念、机制建设、内部管理、尤其是在建立符合现代金融企业发展要求的风险管理、绩效分配、奖惩考核评价上同国内、省内财务公司相比存在较大差距,公司的发展定位一直未达到监管部门期望的目标,内生增长动力仍需增强。财务公司要发展成为一家先进的金融企业,要承担起集团产融结合的金融平台,要肩负起集团产品销售的金融助推器作用,要满足产业链各环节的金融需求,必须要建立科学严谨的风险管理控制体系。 四是公司员工对风险防控意识不强、控制制度不完善、贷审流程不严谨、信息化进程与内控制度建设不同步、缺少风险绩效考核结果作为业绩评定、奖惩的重要依据,公司缺少关于风险责任追究和整改措施的有效落实。 五是风险管理制度不健全不完善,尤其是贷前调查、贷中操作、贷后管理的规章制度亟待加强完善。 六是重汽财务公司的信息科技工作一直相对滞后,已成为业务发展中的瓶颈,在一定程度上甚至制约了业务的发展,其风险相对于金融企业对其他风险的管理尚处于初级阶段,治理不到位。 本文对重汽财务公司汽车金融信贷业务面临的各类风险进行了深入研究探讨。明确指出信贷风险的主要来源和产生原因以及风险类别,针对风险形成的原因,结合风险防范的有关对策与措施,从构建风险管理体系、加强内外部控制、加强信息管理、从金融业态上实现专业化经营方面提出了优化方案。重汽财务公司汽车金融业务正处在发展时期,本文的研究可以为下一步公司开展汽车金融工作及控制风险提供参考和借鉴。
[Abstract]:Chinese heavy financial company (hereinafter referred to as the auto finance company) non bank financial institutions as Chinese Chongqijituan investment, from set up to now 27 years, four financial companies as one of the earliest establishment of the company, the development of the twists and turns. After the 2004 reorganization, especially in recent years of hard work, heavy financial as a modern financial enterprise architecture, function, basic system, financial companies as the leading group and the core platform for the financial industry, development, management, risk prevention, regulate the development of financial products in the market, R & D, IT construction progress gradually, give full play to the role of financial service platform of financial company, to achieve the maximum group stock funds benefit, has been gradually integrated into the group's various business areas, with obvious effect of industry and finance, to further improve the level of risk management, to make the development of the group We should do contribution. Since 2008, business car consumption loans, has accumulated sales of 22 thousand vehicles, a total payment of car loans 5 billion 300 million yuan, involving heavy trucks, dump trucks, light trucks, special vehicles, excavators and other heavy truck passenger cars. All brand promotion of the automobile finance group product sales improved significantly, car the financial marketing concept has been gradually integrated into the main unit and dealer sales consciousness and behavior, the automobile finance group to become the powerful tool of automobile sales.
However, with the rapid development of various businesses, various internal and external risk problems are also emerging.
One is the credit of the subject matter is not easy to control, the characteristics of the borrower's repayment sources and the lower end of the uncertainty determines the company's auto finance business of high risk. Chinese heavy truck products mainly to the main engineering truck, cement mixer, the borrower mainly to farmers, contractors etc. constitute low income groups, overall especially the quality of credit awareness is not high, the vehicle running environment is complex, affected by the pressure of the economic downturn, iron and steel, cement, output and consumption of coal and other energy industries have decreased greatly, the borrower operating conditions have been seriously affected, traffic is seriously insufficient, freight clearing funds is difficult to timely, causing the repayment sources of funding problems.
Two, compared with the rapid development of business, the internal management is relatively weak, the financial attributes are missing, and the risk management level needs to be improved.
The three is as a veteran financial company, its business philosophy, mechanism construction, internal management, especially in establishing modern financial risk management, enterprise development requirements of the performance evaluation on the reward distribution, with the domestic financial companies, the province there is a big gap compared to the development of the company positioning had not reached the expected goal of regulators, endogenous growth momentum remains to be enhanced. Financial companies to become an advanced financial enterprises, to assume the group combination financial platform, to shoulder the financial role of booster Group sales of products, to meet the financial needs of the various sectors of the industry chain, must establish a scientific and rigorous risk management control system.
Four employees of the risk control awareness is not strong, the control system is not perfect, loan review process is not rigorous, the process of informationization and the construction of the internal control system is not synchronized, the lack of risk evaluation results as an important basis for performance assessment, rewards and punishment, the lack of effective implementation of risk responsibility and rectification measures.
The five is that the risk management system is not perfect and imperfect, especially the pre loan investigation, the operation of the loan and the regulations and regulations of the post loan management need to be strengthened and improved.
Six, the information technology of heavy duty finance company has been relatively lagging behind. It has become a bottleneck in the development of business, and even restricted the development of business to some extent. Its risk relative to the management of financial enterprises to other risks is still at the initial stage, and governance is not in place.
This paper makes a thorough research on all kinds of risks of financial credit's automotive business finance company. The main source pointed out that the credit risk and the causes and risk categories, according to the cause of the risk, combined with the relevant countermeasures and measures of risk prevention, from the construction of risk management system, strengthen internal control, strengthen information management, from on the realization of the business financial industry professional optimization scheme are proposed. CNHTC auto finance business finance companies are in the stage of development, this research can thaw and control the risk and provide the reference for the next step to carry out car company.



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