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发布时间:2018-01-21 04:05

  本文关键词: 农村信用社 内部控制 风险管理 出处:《河南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Rural credit cooperatives are the main force to connect the broad masses of farmers and develop rural finance. It has played an active role in supporting the development of rural economy and promoting the increase of farmers' income in recent years. The status of rural credit cooperatives in China's rural financial system has been increasing and the scale is gradually growing. However, from the current development, rural credit cooperatives in most areas still exist in the management and management is not in place. The reason is that the construction of internal control system is not perfect. Improving the effective internal control operation system is to ensure the compliance of rural credit cooperatives. Therefore, it is a necessary and urgent task to establish and perfect the internal control system of rural credit cooperatives. The management of rural credit cooperatives is always accompanied by risks. The internal control of rural credit cooperatives is the process of self-supervision and self-restraint. Strengthening the construction of internal control system is an important basis to ensure the healthy and orderly development of rural credit cooperatives. This paper discusses the internal control of rural credit cooperatives in Henan Province by the methods of literature search and case analysis. Through the combination of theory and practice, the paper combines the five elements of internal control: internal control environment. Control activities, risk assessment, information and communication, monitoring and evaluation, according to "ask questions-find causes-solve problems" thinking. This paper studies the internal control of rural credit cooperatives in Henan Province. Firstly, the paper describes the problems in the internal control of rural credit cooperatives in Henan Province. Mainly include: the internal control environment is weak, the employee ideology is backward; The internal control system is not perfect, the system executive power is insufficient; Risk assessment, risk management technology is backward; The information system construction lags behind, the information transmission channel is not smooth; Audit supervision is insufficient, punishment is small. Then trace back to the root cause, combined with Henan rural credit cooperatives internal control management reality. According to the five elements of internal control, this paper puts forward some feasible measures to improve internal control from five aspects, such as strengthening the ideological education of internal employees and enhancing the sense of compliance of bank work; Establish a perfect internal control system to ensure that there is a formal basis for the actual work, improve the efficiency of the existing system implementation, and make the system effective; Perfect the risk assessment system and establish the comprehensive risk management method; Improve the internal information transmission mechanism and improve the efficiency of internal control; Improve the internal audit supervision system of banks, strengthen the management and supervision of internal posts of banks, strive to establish a complete and effective internal control system, in order to change the current situation of internal control of rural credit cooperatives in Henan Province. To establish a more perfect internal control system of rural credit cooperatives and provide strong internal support for the sustainable development of rural credit cooperatives.


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