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发布时间:2018-01-22 00:23

  本文关键词: 河源市 农业企业 财务管理 企业价值 价值链 出处:《仲恺农业工程学院》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Agricultural enterprises are the main force to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in China, realize the industrialization of agriculture, promote the development of agriculture, increase the efficiency of agriculture and increase the income of farmers, and strengthen the management of agricultural enterprises. It is the basic condition to ensure the normal operation of the enterprise, and the financial management is the center of the management of the agricultural enterprise, is an important way to improve the management level of the enterprise and promote the development of the agricultural economy. At present, the financial management of agricultural enterprises in our country is generally weak. Based on the in-depth analysis of the theory of financial management of agricultural enterprises, this paper takes Heyuan City as an example, through the investigation of a number of agricultural enterprises. By analyzing the present situation of financial management of these agricultural enterprises, it is found that the existing problems are as follows: 1) the financial structure of agricultural enterprises is not perfect, and the organizational structure is unreasonable; 2) the budget management is weak in advance and the management after the event is not in place; (3) weak financing management and poor financing channels; (4) extensive cost accounting and poor profitability; 5) the internal control system of enterprises is not perfect, and they lack the awareness of risk management. In view of these problems, this paper focuses on the organization of financial management, budget management, financing management and cost control of agricultural enterprises. Internal control construction and other aspects to put forward more scientific and comprehensive agricultural enterprises financial management measures. And put forward the establishment of value chain based agricultural enterprise financial management model. This paper uses normative analysis and empirical analysis of cases combined with the research method combined with sample survey and key investigation. From the perspective of micro-main-enterprise, this paper makes a dynamic analysis of the problems of financial management in the process of enterprise growth, and combines the financial management of agricultural enterprise with the process of enterprise management and management. On the basis of matching with the process of enterprise growth, this paper puts forward a financial management model based on value chain, which has some innovation.


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