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发布时间:2018-01-25 02:21

  本文关键词: 水库项目 改扩建工程 利益主体 财务评价 出处:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the pace of the construction of market economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the water consumption is increasing year by year, both in urban and rural areas. The problem of water shortage in China has become more and more obvious. For Yantai city located in the northeast end of Shandong Peninsula. In the national blue marine economic planning zone and the Jiaodong Peninsula urban cluster construction gradually to the depth of the direction of the development of the population and related industries in Yantai urban expansion scale and development are changing with each passing day. Therefore, on the basis of the original scale, the Gaoling Reservoir in Muping District will be rebuilt and expanded to increase its water storage and further expand the scope of its water source protection. Let it as soon as possible for Yantai urban areas and surrounding rural supply more high-quality "products." It is the way to solve the serious shortage of water resources in the local economic development of Yantai at present. Based on the actual situation of the Gaoling Reservoir reconstruction and extension project, the paper combines the field investigation with the reference of literature. The combination of static analysis and dynamic analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, theoretical and practical combination of a variety of technical methods to study it, completed the government, investors. The financial evaluation system of creditor and residents of reservoir area are constructed and their financial data are estimated. With the help of a series of formulas and calculation methods, the financial indexes of the project are calculated from different levels. The results show that the annual tax contribution of the project is 16.54 million yuan; The average annual GDP contribution is 102.45 million yuan; The payback period of investment is 15.465 years (30 years of project life cycle); The investment profit rate is 15.05% (the current commercial loan interest rate of more than 5 years is 6.15%); The internal rate of return of the project is 17.03. The loan risk index of the project is 0.2726 (the risk index is between 0.2 and 0.4 as low risk); The annual living allowance of residents in the reservoir area can meet their minimum living needs. Based on the above results, this paper makes a financial evaluation and analysis of the core stakeholders. Finally. By synthesizing the financial evaluation conclusions of each core interest body, it is concluded that the reconstruction and extension project of Gaoling Reservoir can meet the interest requirements of each of the core stakeholders in the project, and the construction of the project is financially feasible.


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