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发布时间:2018-01-28 17:44

  本文关键词: ZH商业项目 蒙特卡罗模拟 挣值分析 出处:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:为了适应社会进步和经济发展的需要,建筑施工项目经历了多次变革。对于项目本身目标而言,项目总体进度控制是十分重要的一个环节。项目总体成本控制实施的宗旨是为政府、企业及投资者节约成本。即在保证业主所要求质量标准和施工工期的前提下,通过合理的压缩来加快进度及节约成本,有效的减少建设过程中的浪费,从而获取最佳效益。所以,本论文通过以ZH商业项目为例进行研究,对于增加项目利润和提高施工企业效益具有重要意义。本文主要做了如下工作: 首先,针对对项目进度管理理论进行了阐述,在对ZH商业项目进行全面了解的基础上分析了项目的进度计划,并在此基础上估算了项目的工期和完工概率,为项目预测分析和对比分析打下基础。 其次,针对项目成本管理理论进行了论述,然后通过对ZH商业项目造价主要部分的计算和整合,在结合进度的基础上编制了项目成本计划,并对比项目实际值进行了项目成本结构和盈亏分析。 最后,本文阐述了蒙特卡洛模拟的相关概念和实施过程,结合前文进度成本分析,模拟分析了ZH商业项目的进度。通过挣值法进行分析,发现ZH商业项目在实施过程中存在的问题,并从技术和组织上提出相应的保证措施。 论文结合ZH商业项目,在经过深入的理论学习和系统的梳理之后对其成本进度进行了分析,并结合项目的实际情况,综合考虑工期和成本提出相应的保证措施,为以后类似项目的成本进度管理提供了一定的借鉴和参考意义。
[Abstract]:In order to meet the needs of social progress and economic development, the construction project has undergone many changes. Project overall progress control is a very important link. The purpose of project overall cost control implementation is for the government. Enterprises and investors economize cost. That is to say, under the premise of ensuring the quality standard and construction period required by the owner, we can speed up the progress and save the cost through reasonable compression, and effectively reduce the waste in the construction process. Therefore, this paper takes the ZH commercial project as an example, which is of great significance to increase the profit of the project and improve the benefit of the construction enterprise. The main work of this paper is as follows: First of all, according to the theory of project schedule management, the paper analyzes the progress plan of the project on the basis of comprehensive understanding of the ZH commercial project, and estimates the project duration and completion probability on this basis. For the project prediction analysis and comparative analysis to lay the foundation. Secondly, the project cost management theory is discussed, and then through the calculation and integration of the main part of the ZH commercial project cost, the project cost plan is compiled on the basis of the schedule. And compared with the actual value of the project cost structure and profit and loss analysis. Finally, this paper describes the Monte Carlo simulation of the relevant concepts and implementation process, combined with the previous progress cost analysis, the simulation analysis of the progress of ZH commercial projects, through the earned value method to analyze. The problems in the implementation of ZH commercial project are found, and the corresponding guarantee measures are put forward from the technical and organizational aspects. Combined with ZH commercial project, this paper analyzes the cost progress of ZH commercial project after in-depth theoretical study and systematic combing, and combines the actual situation of the project. Considering the time limit and cost synthetically, this paper puts forward the corresponding guarantee measures, which provides a certain reference and reference for the cost schedule management of similar projects in the future.


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