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发布时间:2018-02-02 19:24

  本文关键词: 作业成本法 传统成本核算法 中小型家纺企业 出处:《山东财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the wide application of computer technology and a large number of automation equipment in production enterprises, the proportion of manufacturing costs in production costs is increasing. At the same time, with the improvement of people's living standards, people design products. The requirements of varieties and processes are higher and higher, which puts forward higher requirements for the product accounting of enterprises. However, the traditional cost accounting methods do not distinguish between the complexity of products and the diversity of processes. Only on the basis of quantity to allocate various indirect costs, this allocation method is relatively simple, in the manufacturing environment has not changed a lot of conditions can meet the management needs of enterprises; However, with the continuous progress of production technology and the continuous improvement of automation, the accuracy and accuracy of cost accounting has been challenged, and even cost distortion has been produced. It can not meet the needs of enterprise management, nor can it provide useful information for decision makers. Activity-based costing is based on product consumption activities, activities consume resources, and each job will consume a certain amount of resources. When the product consumes the resources, there will be a certain cost, and the use of activity-based costing can effectively assign the cost to each product, which is very different from the traditional cost calculation method, and is one of the advantages. It can provide relevant cost information timely and accurately. In foreign countries, this method has been widely paid attention to and used by some large American enterprises such as IBM ATT, Lucent Technology and so on. The general response is good; In recent years, this method has been paid attention to in our country and started to study and practice in some large and medium-sized enterprises. From the basic theory analysis of activity-based costing, not only the differences between ABC and traditional accounting methods are analyzed and compared, but also some basic knowledge and theoretical sources are discussed. It also points out the irrationality of indirect cost allocation under the traditional cost accounting method, which has great disadvantages. Then through the analysis of the current situation of cost accounting in small and medium-sized home textile enterprises, the necessity and importance of carrying out activity-based costing in small and medium-sized home textile enterprises are pointed out. Finally, the article through the author of MJ home textile enterprises, through the current cost method, collection, collation of relevant data, the Activity-Based costing accounting method is more accurate. Will enhance market competitiveness. It also points out the problems and obstacles that may be encountered in the process of implementation. Cost control management is very important in enterprise management. Activity-based costing is an important part of enterprise management. Branch. It can help enterprises to effectively control the cost within a certain range, make some uncontrollable indirect costs controllable, and then gradually reduce or eliminate non-value-added activities. In order to better manage and guide the enterprise, effectively improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise, enterprises can be used according to their own situation, must not blindly imitate.


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