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发布时间:2018-02-09 08:42

  本文关键词: 社会责任 企业价值 上市公司 出处:《天津财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:2014年2月23日,全球快餐连锁巨头“赛百味”被爆使用类似“瑜伽垫”成分的食品添加剂ADA制作面包等食品,这个消息令所有的消费者感到震惊和恐慌,如此大规模的企业都发生这样的事情,那消费者如何看待生活中各种各样的食品品牌呢?在中国,关于食品行业的负面新闻频频出现,“问题奶粉”、“染色馒头”、“转基因”等负面新闻让大众对食品行业应履行的社会责任提出质疑和要求,而食品企业履行社会责任对企业价值会有怎样的影响?两者之间是否存在相关关系?文章试图对此进行分析和探讨。通过阅读大量文献和新闻资料,首先对国内食品行业现状做出总结和论述,解释了研究食品行业上市公司社会责任与企业价值的现实意义和理论意义,然后整理了社会责任的相关理论基础,包括利益相关者理论、企业价值理论和信号传递论,其中主要以利益相关者理论为理论依托,信号传递理论为桥梁,将基于利益相关者理论的社会责任和企业价值联系起来,将食品行业的社会责任分成七大指标,具体包括以资本保值增值率表示对股东的社会责任,以现金流量比率表示对债权人的社会责任,以职工贡献率表示对职工的社会责任,以应付账款周转率表示对供应商的社会责任,以营业收入增长率作为对顾客的社会责任,以社会贡献率表示对社会履行的社会责任。其次文章通过对食品企业社会责任履行现状及其对企业价值的影响作出理论分析,引申出研究的假设,并以上述七个变量作为实证模型的解释变量,托宾Q值表示的企业价值做为因变量,建立起两者的实证模型。利用Spss 19.0软件进行变量的描述性统计、相关性分析、共线性诊断和回归分析等,对实证结果进行详细的解释,得出了食品行业上市公司社会责任履行与企业价值正相关的结论。最后文章从企业和国家政策的角度分别提出了规范食品行业上市公司社会责任信息披露的建议。
[Abstract]:In February 23rd 2014, the global fast food chain Subway was blown up to make bread and other foods with a food additive such as Yoga Mat, a food additive like Yoga Mat, a news that shocked and panicked all consumers. Such a thing happens in such a large enterprise, so how do consumers look at all kinds of food brands in their lives? In China, negative news about the food industry appears frequently. Negative news such as "problem milk powder", "dyed steamed bread" and "genetically modified" make the public question and demand the social responsibility of the food industry. And how does the food enterprise fulfill the social responsibility to the enterprise value influence? Is there a correlation between the two? Through reading a lot of literature and news materials, the article first summarizes and discusses the current situation of food industry in China. This paper explains the practical and theoretical significance of the research on social responsibility and corporate value of listed companies in food industry, and then collates the relevant theoretical basis of social responsibility, including stakeholder theory, enterprise value theory and signaling theory. Based on stakeholder theory and signal transmission theory, the social responsibility based on stakeholder theory is connected with enterprise value, and the social responsibility of food industry is divided into seven indexes. Specifically, the social responsibility to shareholders is expressed by the rate of capital preservation and appreciation, the social responsibility to creditors is expressed by the cash flow ratio, and the social responsibility to workers and staff is expressed by the contribution rate of workers and staff. The social responsibility to suppliers is expressed by the turnover rate of accounts payable, and the growth rate of operating income is taken as the social responsibility to customers, The social responsibility to the social performance is expressed by the social contribution rate. Secondly, through the theoretical analysis of the status quo of the food corporate social responsibility performance and its influence on the enterprise value, the thesis extends the hypothesis of the research. Taking the seven variables mentioned above as the explanatory variables of the empirical model and the firm value expressed by Tobin Q as dependent variables, the empirical models of the two variables are established. The descriptive statistics of variables are carried out by using Spss 19.0 software, and the correlation analysis is made. Co-linear diagnosis and regression analysis, etc., to explain the empirical results in detail. The conclusion is that the social responsibility performance of listed companies in food industry is positively related to corporate value. Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions on standardizing the disclosure of social responsibility information of listed companies in food industry from the point of view of enterprises and national policies.


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