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发布时间:2018-04-09 13:44

  本文选题:能源行业 切入点:社会责任 出处:《内蒙古财经大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:积极履行社会责任并进行社会责任信息披露是企业的义务。当今,企业因忽略社会责任引起诸多的问题,这些问题得到了社会公众的极大关注,例如日趋频繁的雾霾天气,中石油长庆油田水污染事件,,攀枝花钢铁集团公司空气污染事件,双汇瘦肉精事件等等。许多企业在对社会责任信息进行披露时选择性地披露利好消息,不披露或者少披露负面消息。因此,对企业社会责任信息披露问题的研究具有重要意义,尤其是我国能源行业属于高污染行业,能源结构以煤炭为主,在能源发展过程中必然会伴随着高污染、低效率、安全事故频发等一系列问题,引发的社会责任问题更具有代表性。基于以上背景,本文对我国能源行业上市公司社会责任信息披露的影响因素进行研究。 本文选取2009年至2012年我国能源行业A股上市的91家企业为样本,采用实证分析的方法,将能源行业社会责任信息披露指数作为因变量,以反映公司特征和公司治理结构的公司规模、公司业绩、财务杠杆、董事会规模、独立董事比例、董事长与总经理是否合二为一等6个变量作为控制变量,以第一大股东性质、社会贡献率、市场化差异、媒体曝光度、法律法规的约束替代外部压力的影响作为自变量,针对事先提出的5个假设进行描述性分析、相关性分析和多元回归分析。得出结论:影响能源行业社会责任信息披露的内部因素中,董事会规模、公司规模、资产负债率和净资产收益率与能源行业上市公司社会责任信息披露水平显著相关,而董事长与总经理是否合二为一、独立董事比例和能源行业社会责任信息披露水平呈现不显著关系;影响能源行业社会责任信息披露的外部因素中,社会贡献率、实施法律法规的约束、第一大股东的性质与能源行业社会责任信息披露水平显著相关,市场化差异和媒体曝光度对能源行业上市公司社会责任信息披露水平不显著。 基于研究结果,本文从两个方面提出了具有针对性的政策建议,主要包括对企业内部治理结构的优化和对企业所依存的外部环境的改善,以便能更好的促进我国能源行业上市公司积极履行社会责任并向社会公众披露高水平的社会责任信息,为企业的利益相关者提供参考。
[Abstract]:It is the duty of enterprises to actively fulfill social responsibility and disclose social responsibility information.Nowadays, enterprises have caused many problems because of neglecting social responsibility. These problems have been paid great attention by the public, such as the increasingly frequent haze weather and the water pollution incidents in the Changqing Oilfield of PetroChina.Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group Air pollution incident, Shuanghui lean meatine incident and so on.When disclosing social responsibility information, many enterprises selectively disclose good news, not disclose negative information or less.Therefore, it is of great significance to study the problem of corporate social responsibility information disclosure, especially the energy industry in China belongs to high pollution industry, the energy structure is mainly coal, in the process of energy development will inevitably be accompanied by high pollution, low efficiency.A series of problems, such as the frequent occurrence of safety accidents, lead to more representative problems of social responsibility.Based on the above background, this paper studies the influencing factors of social responsibility information disclosure of listed companies in energy industry in China.In this paper, 91 companies listed in A shares of energy industry in China from 2009 to 2012 are selected as samples, and the information disclosure index of social responsibility in energy industry is taken as dependent variable by empirical analysis.Taking six variables, such as company size, corporate performance, financial leverage, board size, proportion of independent directors, whether the chairman and the general manager are one, which reflect the company characteristics and corporate governance structure, as control variables, taking the nature of the first largest shareholder as the controlling variable,Social contribution rate, market-oriented difference, media exposure, the influence of laws and regulations to replace the external pressure as independent variables, according to the five hypotheses put forward in advance, descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and multivariate regression analysis.The conclusions are as follows: among the internal factors affecting the disclosure of social responsibility information in energy industry, the size of board of directors, the size of the company, the ratio of assets to liabilities and the rate of return on net assets are significantly related to the level of social responsibility information disclosure of listed companies in energy industry.The proportion of independent directors and the level of information disclosure of social responsibility in the energy industry are not significantly related to whether the chairman and the general manager are United, and the social contribution rate among the external factors affecting the disclosure of social responsibility information in the energy industry is not significant.Under the restriction of laws and regulations, the nature of the first largest shareholder is significantly related to the level of social responsibility information disclosure in the energy industry, while the level of social responsibility information disclosure of listed companies in the energy industry is not significantly affected by market-oriented differences and media exposure.Based on the research results, this paper puts forward two aspects of targeted policy recommendations, including the optimization of the internal governance structure of enterprises and the improvement of the external environment that enterprises depend on.In order to better promote the energy industry listed companies in China to actively fulfill social responsibility and disclose the high level of social responsibility information to the public, and provide a reference for the stakeholders of enterprises.


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