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发布时间:2018-04-10 03:27

  本文选题:中小企业 切入点:融资困境 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The small and medium-sized enterprises have become the promotion of China's economic development and social stability of an important force, but the financing difficulty has been restricting the development of SMEs "bottleneck". Affected by the global financial crisis, the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises once again China's economic development has become an extremely urgent problem. In order to alleviate the financing difficulties the problem of small and medium enterprises, the bank is also working with government departments, credit innovation, increase the scope of services, increase financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises. To support the development of SMEs in Quanzhou sports leisure products production enterprises, the local government of Quanzhou in "comprehensive reform in Quanzhou city of Fujian Province Economic and financial services in the real test area overall plan > local scheme under the guidance of, also actively develop and implement a series of policies to alleviate the financing difficulties of SMEs dilemma of Quanzhou sports leisure products production enterprises. However, in the new How to solve the situation further development of Quanzhou small and medium-sized sports leisure products production enterprises will be of great theoretical and practical significance. Firstly, this paper put forward problems in part, limitations of the status of financing difficulties of SMEs in Quanzhou sports leisure products production enterprises under the current situation and the current situation of the traditional mode of financing, and puts forward the research theme, research methods and research ideas, provide the whole idea of the whole paper. The second part is the theoretical basis. This part mainly includes the sports leisure industry, research status of small and medium enterprises financing difficulties, and provide a theoretical basis for the development of the theoretical analysis and practical analysis. The third part is the analysis of problems in this part. Part first analyzes the status quo of the financing difficulties of SMEs in Quanzhou sports leisure products production enterprises under current situation and from the theoretical and practical two The status quo analysis of the plight of Quanzhou small and medium-sized sports leisure products production enterprises financing angle, then summarizes the main ideas of the solution to the plight of SMEs in Quanzhou sports leisure products production enterprises financing problems, and puts forward the limitations of the traditional mode of financing. The fourth part is to resolve the problem. Combined with the dilemma of Quanzhou sports leisure products production of small and medium-sized enterprise financing problems the theoretical and practical reasons, puts forward the theoretical and practical path to solve the problem of path, which focuses on the practical path of government, credit institutions and enterprises to focus on the analysis of the three dimensions. The fifth part is to further explore the Quanzhou small and medium-sized sports leisure products production enterprises financing difficulties problem solving path can be practical by questionnaire and analysis. To view the thesis are summarized and analyzed in this paper. In short, for small and medium-sized sports goods production enterprises Based on the analysis of the basic situation of the financing problems in the industry, the use of information asymmetry theory, credit rationing theory, credit gap theory, transaction cost theory and the theory origin of credit relationship theory to analyze the financing difficulties of SMEs, and from the small and medium-sized enterprise guarantee system, the realistic reason analysis of the plight of SMEs in Quanzhou sports leisure products production enterprises financing policy and financial system. Based on the above analysis, this paper further summarizes the traditional path to solve the dilemma of Quanzhou small and medium-sized sports leisure products production enterprises, specifically including the Countermeasures of credit guarantee based on the theory of pecking order and financial growth cycle theory based on the countermeasures, countermeasures based on relationship lending theory and based on Strategy of supply chain credit and cluster financing theory. Based on the above theory, the government, banks and enterprises of the three party Among their duties, and through financial subsidies, bank innovation loan, enterprise credit loan has become the Quanzhou small and medium-sized sports leisure products production enterprises financing. However, the traditional mode of financing has its own limitations and shortcomings, especially in credit mode, financing object and the way of security. Then, this paper introduced the basic in the basic situation of the loan network security, analyzes theoretical basis for network guaranteed loans, and the loan compared to the traditional network analysis than the questionnaire analysis method of financing advantages, so as to demonstrate its effectiveness in solving the SMEs financing difficulty, provide some solutions for the Quanzhou small and medium-sized sports leisure products production enterprises to solve the financing difficult problem.



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