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发布时间:2018-04-10 09:08

  本文选题:中国会计准则 切入点:国际趋同 出处:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As the world's recognized "business language", accounting has become an important tool for domestic and foreign enterprises to carry out economic exchanges.With the acceleration of economic globalization, the process of capital flow in the global scope needs to be supported by appropriate accounting standards, which objectively promotes the convergence of accounting standards to international accounting standards.As a world economic power, China has also made unprecedented efforts in the internationalization of accounting standards, such as the implementation of the Accounting system for Enterprises in 2000, the New Accounting Standards for Enterprises in 2006 and the road map for 2010.These measures make the Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards basically achieve the formal convergence of the level of standards.However, compared with formal convergence, information users pay more attention to substantive convergence, because substantive convergence can represent real comparability between financial reports and provide valuable accounting information for investors' economic decisions.Therefore, it is of great value to test the effect of substantial convergence of accounting standards in China.In order to test the effect of substantive convergence between Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards, this paper firstly combs the relevant literature and important theories at home and abroad.On this basis, this paper selects the financial data published by the dual listed companies of All shares as a large sample, and then uses the method of empirical analysis to test the differences of double disclosure of accounting earnings and the quality of earnings, respectively, from the perspective of accounting earnings double disclosure differences and earnings quality differences.The general situation of the international convergence effect of Chinese accounting standards in various industries is obtained.In order to take the specific industry specific company as the breakthrough point and the small sample to evaluate the substantial convergence effect of the accounting standards of our country microscopically, so taking Angang shares as a single case, the paper makes a deep and detailed analysis of the international convergence effect of the accounting standards of our country.Finally, this case analysis results are further verified by the above empirical analysis results.Through the empirical analysis, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the stage characteristics of the double disclosure differences in the accounting earnings of AH listed companies in China are obvious, and the differences in earnings quality are decreasing in general.Although the difference of earnings value and the difference of earnings conservatism do not show the trend of decreasing year by year, the trend of shrinking is obvious in the whole.) with the deepening of accounting reform in our country, the difference of value of earnings and the difference of conservatism of earnings are not decreasing year by year.The disclosure difference between the two criteria is eliminated and the effect is obvious.This shows that the substantial convergence effect of Chinese accounting standards is remarkable, and the enlightenment is that the relationship between international convergence of accounting standards and Chinese characteristics should be well balanced.To promote the international convergence of accounting standards and the strict implementation of accounting standards, the international coordination of accounting standards should be carried out from a realistic and forward-looking perspective to promote the internationalization of accounting standards in China.


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