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发布时间:2018-04-10 18:58

  本文选题:转增股本 + 煤电联营 ; 参考:《财务与会计》2013年08期

[Abstract]:With the increasing complexity of positive economic business and the diversified development of enterprise investment, the mode of profit distribution is becoming more and more diversified. In addition to the traditional cash dividend, stock dividend and so on, there is a pattern of direct profit conversion.In practice, direct profit conversion is generally based on the essence of economic business to simplify accounting treatment, but when it comes to the need to comply with international financial reporting standards to deal with the financial matters of coal and power joint venture profits directly converted into shares,And if there are some differences between the relevant provisions of the current international standards and the domestic practice, how should we deal with them?By the author
【作者单位】: 北京交通大学经济管理学院;


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