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发布时间:2018-04-11 16:54

  本文选题:山东省 + 棉花 ; 参考:《山东农业大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Cotton is one of the most important cash crops in China.China is the largest cotton producer and consumer in the world, and the cotton output has been the first in the world since 1983. It can be seen that China's cotton has a pivotal position not only in China but also in the world.Shandong Province is a large province of cotton production in China. Since the beginning of the 21st century, cotton planting area and yield in Shandong Province have accounted for 15.80% and 14.02% of the national average, respectively. Therefore, promoting the development of cotton production will increase farmers' income.Promoting the development of rural economy and the overall economy of Shandong Province has an extremely important role.However, in recent years, cotton production in Shandong Province shows a downward trend, cotton planting area and yield have been significantly reduced.In addition, because of the obvious fluctuation of cotton price in recent years, the planting risk of cotton farmers has increased significantly, which has greatly dampened the enthusiasm of cotton farmers to plant cotton and seriously restricted the stable and sustainable development of cotton production in Shandong Province.Based on the present situation of cotton planting in Shandong Province, this paper analyzes the cost and income of cotton planting in Shandong Province by means of the combination of empirical analysis and normative analysis, in order to guide cotton farmers in our province to improve the cotton production efficiency in the future.Increasing the revenue from cotton cultivation can help.This paper first reviews the historical evolution of cotton planting in Shandong Province and expounds the position of cotton in cotton production in Shandong Province in recent years.Then, on the basis of introducing the theory of cost and income accounting of agricultural products in China, the paper makes a concrete study on the composition and change of cotton cost and income in Shandong Province.After that, the cost and income of three crops (wheat, corn and peanut) in Shandong province and other main cotton producing areas in China were compared and analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of cotton production in Shandong province were found out.Finally, the above conclusions are synthesised and some policy suggestions are given to promote the development of cotton production in Shandong Province.The results show that the total cost of cotton planting in Shandong Province is increasing rapidly in recent years, among which the increase of labor cost is the most significant, but the total income of cotton planting is not high, and is affected by the fluctuation of cotton price.There is obvious volatility.In comparison with other major cotton production areas, it is found that there is a certain comparative disadvantage in cotton planting income in Shandong Province, and this disadvantage mainly comes from the low yield level.Compared with the three crops in the province, the total cost of cotton planting is inferior and its income is not dominant.Therefore, in order to restore and develop cotton production in Shandong Province, it is necessary to adjust the input structure, develop mechanized production, increase scientific and technological input, raise the level of per unit yield, and gradually stabilize cotton prices so as to protect the income of cotton farmers.


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