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发布时间:2018-04-13 17:46

  本文选题:会计稳健性 + 时间不对称性 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:会计稳健性要求我们确认可能的损失,不确认可能的收益(Bliss,1924)。会计稳健性对收益确认的可验证性标准比损失确认的可验证性标准更高,所以损失通常比收益更快的得到会计确认,也就是坏消息会比好消息更快的得到会计确认。Basu(1997)对当期股票回报和年度股票回报进行回归,根据回归结果分为好消息和坏消息,他发现会计盈余对于坏消息的反应比好消息的反应要更加及时。Basu(1997)的研究在学术界引起了很大的争议,因为他建立的反向回归模型存在缺陷,有很多学者质疑这一模型,并提出各自的解决方案。本文假设上市公司为了避免对重大事件违规披露所产生的法律风险,政府行政处罚,投资者抛售公司股票,债权人提前要求清偿债务等风险,因此在重大事件上会遵照会计稳健性对信息进行披露。本文采用事件研究法,短时间窗口研究会计稳健性对重大事件会计确认时间上的不对称性的影响。本文的研究期间选在2007年以后,是实施了新的《企业会计制度》之后的会计期间,是在新会计准则实现与国际财务报告准则(IFRS)的全面趋同的背景下进行的研究。新会计准则采纳了资产负债观,弱化了会计稳健性,扩大了公允价值的运用。目前关于新会计准则对会计稳健性的影响方面的实证研究还不多,结论也不一致。 本文在第一部分中,介绍本文的研究背景、意义,研究思路及方法,还有研究的主要创新点。第二部分中,总结关于会计稳健性的研究结论和计量方法。第三部分对会计稳健性的影响因素进行了归纳梳理。第四部分为研究设计,提出假设,建立模型,选取样本,处理数据。第五部分对实证结果进行分析,检验我们提出的假设。第六部分为本文的结论。 本文的贡献主要体现在以下几点: (1)研究领域 2007年新会计准则实施后,弱化会计稳健性,扩大了公允价值属性的运用。会计稳健性是1990年以来,我国历次会计制度改革的一项重要内容。每次会计改革之后,都为利用会计稳健性来研究我国会计制度改革的效果,提供了一个良好的机遇。从会计稳健性来研究新会计准则实施效果方面的实证研究还不多,结论也不太一致。所以新会计准则的实施对会计稳健性的影响究竟如何,值得我们进行研究。目前对于会计稳健性研究一个主要的研究领域是在时序性的研究上,本文研究的内容紧跟会计稳健性研究领域的潮流。 (2)研究方法 首先,本文采用事件研究法。在2000年以后的每一年,会计和财务管理领域的顶级期刊中采用事件研究法的论文数量的增长率一直在增加。但是我国学者对会计稳健性的研究还很少有人采用这种方法,因此本文采用事件研究法研究会计稳健性是本文的一大创新之处。 其次,本文选择的短期时间窗口,较以往的采用长窗口进行的会计稳健性研究有很大的进步,因为长窗口容易受到各种因素的干扰。本文对于自变量选择累计超额收益率,因变量选择每股收益的变化,采用短时间窗口,自变量的时间窗口为3日,因变量的时间窗口为1个季度,已经是目前会计稳健性研究采用数据中最短的时间窗口了。 最后,本文在对已有的会计稳健性的方法进行梳理之后,综合使用被几种广泛认可的计量模型进行研究。本文采用分析性模型来研究中国的会计问题,不仅有助于分析现有会计稳健性的研究设计是否合理,还可以检验之前得到的研究结果是否可靠,更为今后的研究指明了方向,还促进该领域的研究形成体系。 (3)研究数据 本文选取的样本是2008年至2013年我国全部A股上市公司数据,具有较强的实效性,选取我国2007年之后的上市公司数据,可以较好的反应新的《企业会计准则》施行以及实施股权分置改革后对会计稳健性的影响。 本文采用短时间窗口进行研究,对股票数据采用每日数据,财务报告数据采用季度数据,因此数据量充足而全面,所以使得我们得出的结论更具备准确性、代表性和说服力。
[Abstract]:Accounting robustness requires us to confirm possible losses without identifying possible benefits ( Bliss , 1924 ) . This paper analyzes the influence of accounting conservatism on the accounting confirmation time of major event based on the regression results . In this paper , it is assumed that in order to avoid the legal risk , the government ' s administrative punishment , the investor ' s selling of the stock and the creditor ' s advance demand of debt , the research of Basu ( 1997 ) has caused a great deal of controversy in the academic circle .

In the first part , this paper introduces the background , significance , thoughts and methods of the research , and the main innovation points of the research . In the second part , we summarize the research conclusion and the measurement method about accounting conservatism . The third part is divided into the research design , puts forward the hypothesis , establishes the model , selects the sample and processes the data .

The contribution of this paper is mainly embodied in the following points :

( 1 ) Research field

After the implementation of the new accounting standards in 2007 , the accounting conservatism is weakened and the application of fair value attribute is expanded . The accounting conservatism is an important part of the reform of accounting system in our country since 1990 .

( 2 ) Study method

First of all , this article applies the event research method . In every year after 2000 , the growth rate of the number of papers in the top - level journals in the field of accounting and financial management has been increasing all the time . However , there are few people in the research on accounting robustness in our country . Therefore , it is a great innovation in this paper to study the robustness of accounting by using the event research method .

Secondly , the short - term time window , which is selected in this paper , has made great progress compared with the previous long - window accounting robustness research , because the long window is susceptible to various factors . In this paper , we use a short time window , the time window of the independent variable is 3 days , the time window of the dependent variable is 3 days , the time window of the dependent variable is 3 days , the time window of the dependent variable is 1 quarter , and the shortest time window in the data is adopted for the current accounting robustness study .

Finally , after combing the existing methods of accounting robustness , this paper studies the accounting problems in China by using the analytical model , which not only helps to analyze the feasibility of the research and design of the existing accounting conservatism , but also can check whether the research results obtained before can be reliable , the future research indicates the direction , and also promotes the research and formation system in the field .

( 3 ) Study data

The sample selected in this paper is the data of all A - share listed companies in China from 2008 to 2013 , and has a strong effect . The data of the listed companies after 2007 can be better reflected in the implementation of the new Accounting Standards for Accounting Standards and the effect of the implementation of the equity division reform on accounting conservatism .

In this paper , a short time window is used to study the stock data , and quarterly data is used for the data of the financial report , so the data quantity is sufficient and comprehensive , so that the conclusion is more accurate , representative and convincing .



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