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发布时间:2018-04-14 20:45

  本文选题:陕西省电力公司 + 风险管理 ; 参考:《长沙理工大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the face of new economic situation, market and industry environment, if enterprises want to deepen reform and seek development, they must start from themselves and attach importance to the importance of risk assessment.Enterprises should attach great importance to the establishment of risk concept and risk management.Through the identification, measurement and evaluation of risks, potential risks and losses are found, and the control plan is formulated with emphasis on the results of risk assessment to guide the control activities of enterprises.Power grid enterprises are the key backbone enterprises of our country, which affect the lifeblood of our national economy.As a result, its reform and development, affecting the country as a whole macroeconomic situation.The risk assessment system of power grid enterprises is studied to help power grid enterprises to improve the level of overall risk management, and then to improve the ability of grid enterprises to resist risks.Based on the study of the risk assessment system of power grid enterprises, this paper expounds the characteristics of power grid enterprises, the elements of the risk of power grid enterprises, the necessity and feasibility of building a risk assessment system for power grid enterprises;This paper reveals the main problems of risk assessment in power grid enterprises, including only paying attention to the specific regional risks of power grid enterprises and neglecting the overall risks of power grid enterprises, and the risk assessment lacks the application of the cost-benefit principle.The internal risk management of power grid company is numerous and has no final responsibility department. The importance of the board of directors in the risk assessment organization is not reflected, the risk management mechanism is not perfect and the power and responsibility are not equal, and the knowledge and experience of the risk assessment talents are insufficient.By using the theory of overall risk management, the theory of organizational behavior and the theory of cost benefit, this paper analyzes many problems existing in the construction of risk assessment system in power grid enterprises. The causes include the lack of awareness of overall risk management.Failure to make full use of cost-effective methods for scientific assessment and measurement of risks, lack of a sound risk organization structure, and operational industry standards and ethics have not yet been fully established,The internal audit of power grid enterprises does not play an important role in risk assessment, and the risk budget control is not in place.In view of the problems and causes of risk management in power grid enterprises, this paper puts forward that we should attach importance to risk assessment from the strategic point of view of power grid enterprises, use the method of cost and benefit to carry out scientific evaluation, and perfect the organizational structure of risk management in power grid enterprises.In order to improve the competitiveness of power grid enterprises, it is necessary to establish operational behavior and moral standards, train professional risk assessment professionals, and give full play to the role of internal audit in risk assessment, so as to improve the risk assessment system of power grid enterprises.Through the sample of Shaanxi Electric Power Company, using the risk exposure calculation model and the basic principle of Warr scoring method, combining the qualitative and quantitative risk of power grid enterprise, the paper analyzes the risk degree of each link and comprehensive level of power grid enterprise.It is concluded that the degree of risk severity and the comprehensive risk belong to the safety area of Shaanxi Electric Power Company, and the results of risk assessment of Shaanxi Electric Power Company are evaluated.


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