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发布时间:2018-04-15 07:43

  本文选题:财务风险 + 内部控制 ; 参考:《重庆理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文通过内部控制制度缺失造成的财务风险案例分析,引出了基于财务风险管理的企业内部控制制度上的改进研究,研究中阐述了国内外研究的现状,将财务风险界定为筹资风险、投资风险、资金运营风险、全面预算和财务报告风险五个角度的狭义财务风险概念,便于文章有针对性地进行分析。 随后指出文章的理论依据为委托代理理论、风险传导理论和控制理论,并引入YTH化工企业作为内部控制制度改进研究的案例,介绍了YTH企业内部控制制度建设的概况,并从内部控制建立的目的、组织机构、领导小组、分类、控制方法和内控评价等方面阐述了YTH企业内部控制制度构建的基本思路。 文章深入剖析了YTH企业资金管理活动、全面预算和财务报告的财务风险管控情况以及其内部控制关键控制点矩阵设计,,指出了YTH企业内部控制制度构建中存在的主要问题和缺陷,并一一对应地指出了YTH企业基于财务风险管理下的内部控制制度改进策略。
[Abstract]:Through the financial risk case analysis caused by the absence of internal control system, this paper leads to the improvement research on the enterprise internal control system based on financial risk management, and expounds the current research situation at home and abroad.This paper defines financial risk as narrow financial risk from five angles: financing risk, investment risk, capital operating risk, total budget risk and financial reporting risk, which is convenient for the article to analyze.Then it points out that the theoretical basis of this paper is principal-agent theory, risk conduction theory and control theory, and introduces YTH chemical enterprises as a case study of internal control system improvement, and introduces the general situation of internal control system construction in YTH enterprises.From the purposes of establishing internal control, organization, leading group, classification, control method and evaluation of internal control, this paper expounds the basic ideas of the construction of internal control system in YTH enterprises.This paper deeply analyzes the financial risk management of YTH enterprise, the overall budget and financial report, and the design of its internal control critical control point matrix.This paper points out the main problems and defects in the construction of internal control system in YTH enterprises, and points out the improving strategies of internal control system based on financial risk management in YTH enterprises.


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