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发布时间:2018-04-17 11:16

  本文选题:流程再造 + 集中运营模式 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the global financial industry, in order to reduce operating costs, improve operational efficiency, effectively control risks, provide quality services and enhance the core competitiveness of commercial banks, in the face of the current market demand of the financial industry at home and abroad,The commercial bank carries on the process reengineering, establishes the service centralized operation pattern, becomes each big commercial bank to carry on the operation reform the main direction at present.However, under the environment of the reform of the centralized operation mode of the major commercial banks, the decentralized risks of the traditional banking mode are constantly centralized to the backstage under the new model, and the supporting normative system is not perfect enough.The probability of commercial bank risk is expanding, and once this kind of risk occurs, it is a huge blow to the whole bank. Therefore, the internal control of commercial bank under the centralized operation mode is studied.How to set up an effective internal control system under the new mode has become the most realistic and meaningful topic for the commercial banks to reform the centralized operation mode.First of all, by studying the theory of process reengineering and internal control of commercial banks at home and abroad, this paper introduces in detail the theory of "separation of the front and back, centralized operation of the backstage" of the business of commercial banks.Then the definition of centralized operation mode is introduced, and the implementation mode and significance of centralized operation mode are analyzed.After introducing the theory of the centralized operation mode of commercial banks, this paper studies the internal control system of commercial banks, and probes into the new situation of the internal control under the centralized operation of commercial banks and the measures taken.Secondly, this paper takes the internal control of H bank as the research object, introduces the construction and development of H bank and H bank centralized operation platform, and analyzes the advantages of H bank centralized operation.From the point of view of commercial bank's centralized operation mode, this paper introduces and analyzes the present internal control of H bank's centralized operation mode, and points out the problems existing in H bank's centralized operation mode.Finally, this paper aims at the problems existing in the internal control of H bank under the centralized operation mode, from strengthening the training of staff's professional literacy, the management of bank account, the control in the course of centralized operation and the supervision after the event.From the view of perfecting the safety management and inspection mechanism of centralized operation, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward, and the research results of this paper are summarized and prospected.The reform of the centralized operation mode of commercial banks is the only way for the development and reform of commercial banks in China, and perfecting the internal control system is the necessary measure to ensure the safe and stable operation of commercial banks in our country.In this paper, the existing problems of the internal control system of commercial banks under the new model are analyzed in depth, and the improvement measures of practical significance are put forward.


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