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发布时间:2018-04-20 11:44

  本文选题:西部牧业 + 财务分析 ; 参考:《石河子大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国市场经济的发展,企业间的竞争日益激烈,预算管理作为一种有效的管理工具,越来越受到企业的重视。中国烟草行业自1982年实施专卖制度以来,,经历了快速发展阶段,成为国家财税收入的重要来源。跨入21世纪,烟草行业面临的形势和环境发生了很大变化,如何在现有环境下适应市场发展,成为企业改革的关键。与此同时,预算管理作为现代化管理的有效工具,被引入到企业的日常管理中来,但因观念、体制等多种因素导致预算管理在烟草行业运用中存在很多问题,没有发挥应有的作用。 随着市场经济和全球一体化的不断深入和发展,财分析越来越受到利益相关者的重视与关注,透过相关的财务数据不仅可以了解到企业的财务状况,更包括了企业的经营成果及其质量。财务分析研究日益受到国内学术界的重视,相关研究也日益丰富完善。鉴于此,笔者结合当今研究现状对上市公司财务状况进行案例分析,对案例公司的财务状况作出评价,针对分析中的不足提出改进建议,这对丰富财务分析研究实务具有重要作用。 本文搜集西部牧业上市以来的财务及其他数据,对西部牧业股份有限公司2008年至2012年期间的财务指标进行了分析。文中首先分析了西部牧业的偿债能力、营运能力、盈利能力、成长能力、营运活动收益质量分析进行了分析,在指标分析中,西部牧业2012年的净利润较上年有800万元的降低,下降幅度为21.08%,分析其下降原因本文为此对2012年的数据进行了杜邦分析,分析得出,净利润出现大幅度下降是三项费用增长过快所致。最后,本文使用目前流行的EVA和REVA分析方法对西部牧业的财务状况进行了分析。分析结果显示,西部牧业最近几年经济增加值呈现下降趋势,即:其为股东创造价值的能力是在下降,在剔除公司规模之后,对比其他公司,西部牧业还是处于相对靠后的水平。针对分析中发现的问题,有针对性地提出了建设性的对策建议。
[Abstract]:With the development of market economy in our country, the competition among enterprises is becoming more and more fierce. As an effective management tool, budget management is paid more and more attention by enterprises. Since the monopoly system was implemented in 1982, China's tobacco industry has experienced a rapid development stage and has become an important source of national revenue. In the 21st century, the situation and environment of tobacco industry have changed greatly. How to adapt to the market development in the existing environment has become the key of enterprise reform. At the same time, as an effective tool of modern management, budget management is introduced into the daily management of enterprises. However, there are many problems in the application of budget management in tobacco industry due to many factors, such as concept, system and so on. Did not play its due role. With the deepening and development of market economy and global integration, financial analysis has attracted more and more attention from stakeholders. Through the relevant financial data, we can not only understand the financial situation of enterprises, It also includes the business achievement and quality of the enterprise. Financial analysis is paid more and more attention by domestic academic circles, and the related research is becoming more and more perfect. In view of this, the author carries on the case analysis to the listed company's financial condition combining with the present research present situation, makes the appraisal to the case company's financial condition, and puts forward the improvement suggestion to the insufficiency in the analysis. This is important to enrich the practice of financial analysis and research. This paper collects the financial and other data since the listing of western animal husbandry, and analyzes the financial indexes of Western Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. from 2008 to 2012. At first, the paper analyzes the debt paying ability, operating ability, profitability, growth ability, profit quality of the western animal husbandry. In the index analysis, the net profit of the western animal husbandry in 2012 is 8 million yuan lower than that of the previous year. The decline range is 21.08%. This paper analyzes the reasons for the decline. This paper makes a DuPont analysis of the data in 2012. The analysis shows that the sharp decline in net profit is caused by the rapid growth of three items of expenses. Finally, this paper uses the popular EVA and REVA analysis methods to analyze the financial situation of western animal husbandry. The results show that the economic added value of the western animal husbandry shows a downward trend in recent years, that is, its ability to create value for shareholders is declining, after excluding the size of the company, compared with other companies, The western animal husbandry is still in the relative backward level. In view of the problems found in the analysis, the constructive countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.


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