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发布时间:2018-04-23 12:08

  本文选题:汽车制造业 + 财务预警 ; 参考:《广西科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Manufacturing industry is the source of national wealth, and automobile manufacturing industry is one of the most important. Although the scale and quantity of automobile manufacturing enterprises in our country are growing day by day, the ability of the whole industry to resist the risk is quite weak, which is easily affected by the overall economic environment and the relevant policies of the country, and then causes the serious financial crisis. Therefore, it is of great significance to construct the financial warning model of automobile manufacturing industry and improve the ability of automobile manufacturing industry to deal with financial crisis. Firstly, this paper introduces the background, theory and practical significance of the research, and puts forward the research methods, ideas and innovations of this paper based on the research results of domestic and foreign scholars in financial early warning. Then this paper introduces the related concepts of financial industry early warning, such as ANFIS, three clustering algorithms used in this paper, and the combination of ANFIS and clustering algorithm. Then, on the basis of the previous research hypothesis, the paper clarifies the influencing factors of automobile manufacturing financial early warning, including financial and non-financial aspects. Financial factors include cash flow, long-term and short-term solvency, operation ability, growth capacity, profitability, non-financial factors have equity structure, corporate governance two factors. The financial early warning index system is the foundation of the early warning model and one of the important factors directly affecting the early warning effect. In order to more comprehensively, objectively and realistically reflect the financial situation, solvency, cash flow capacity, profitability, growth ability and operation ability of the automobile manufacturing industry, 26 financial indicators are used to measure financial factors. The first major shareholder holding ratio and other seven non-financial indicators to build a financial warning index system. In the part of empirical research, this paper selects 54 listed enterprises of automobile manufacturing or parts manufacturing from the A shares of Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchange to construct the sample set needed for the research, whose time span is 11 years from 2003 to 2013. In this sample set, 1/3 is composed of financial crisis enterprises and 2/3 is a matched non-financial crisis enterprise. The above 33 financial and non-financial indicators of all samples were tested simultaneously with the principal component analysis, and some uncorrelated financial and non-financial indicators were excluded, and the selected financial indicators were treated with dimensionality reduction. Finally, five comprehensive financial index factors and four non-financial indicators are obtained, and the financial early-warning index system of Chinese automobile manufacturing listed companies is constructed. Using the above index system and the data of sample set, using the ANFIS method based on clustering algorithm to build the early warning model of automobile manufacturing enterprise and BP neural network SVM (support vector machine) and Logit regression three commonly used early warning models to model. Through the test of the model, the comparative analysis can draw the following conclusions: the financial early-warning model of automobile manufacturing listed companies based on clustering algorithm ANFIS is obviously superior to other models. In addition, this model, together with BP neural network model and SVM (support vector) artificial intelligence model, is obviously superior to the non-artificial intelligence model such as Logit regression. According to the above research, this paper puts forward two suggestions on the financial early warning practice of listed companies in automobile manufacturing industry: 1) when constructing the financial warning index system of automobile manufacturing industry, we should eliminate some interference indexes. 2) when we select the modeling tools, Priority should be given to artificial intelligence modeling and prediction tools.


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