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发布时间:2018-04-23 23:37

  本文选题:酒钢财务公司 + 发展战略 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:1988年5月,自我国首家财务公司“东风汽车财务公司”成立以来,财务公司已经历了20多年的发展历程。截止2013年末,经批准成立的财务公司176家,近年来行业机构数量持续保持两位数增长,行业资产规模达25,463.65亿元,所有者权益3,687.36亿元,实现利润总额556.63亿元,财务公司已成为我国金融市场上一支不可忽视的生力军,为服务我国大型国有企业集团的发展,推动我国金融体制的深化改革,促进产业资本和金融资本的融合发挥了重要的作用。然而,随着我国改革开放步伐的逐步加大,现代企业集团对金融服务需求不再仅仅是单一的资金管理需求,已上升到产业资本与金融资本深度融合的全面及个性化需求。但与其他金融机构相比较,对外财务公司面临监管政策不定、金融机构竞争加剧的外部环境,对内又面临自身管理水平不高、功能定位不清、经营受集团母公司限制等内部环境,导致发展困难重重,战略管理更是无从谈起,这在一定程度上制约了企业集团财务公司的科学可持续发展。 首先,本文以财务公司研究理论、企业发展战略理论等作为研究酒钢财务公司发展战略的理论基础,并通过阐述国内外财务公司发展历程和功能定位,比较分析国内外财务公司的功能定位的差异,提出财务公司存在意义及功能定位。其次,描述酒钢集团发展情况和财务公司经营情况,指出钢铁行业的企业经营特点和酒钢财务公司发展现状,为研究酒钢财务公司发展战略提供现实依据。接着运用企业发展战略分析工具,分析归纳酒钢财务公司内外部环境,并利甩企业发展战略制定方法SWOT分析来对酒钢财务公司外部环境和内部环境进行综合整合,指出酒钢财务公司外部环境中的机遇和威胁,内部环境中的优势与劣势,制定酒钢财务公司发展战略。最后提出酒钢财务公司未来发展战略的实施和控制措施,为财务公司发展战略的有效实施提供操作建议。
[Abstract]:In May 1988, since the establishment of Dongfeng Automobile Finance Company, the first financial company in China, the financial company has experienced more than 20 years of development. By the end of 2013, there were 176 approved financial companies. In recent years, the number of industry organizations has maintained a double-digit growth, with assets in the industry amounting to 2.546365 trillion yuan, owners' equity 368.736 billion yuan, and total profits realizing 55.663 billion yuan. Financial companies have become a vital force in China's financial market, serving the development of large state-owned enterprise groups and promoting the deepening reform of our financial system. Promoting the integration of industrial capital and financial capital has played an important role. However, with the gradual increase of the pace of reform and opening up in China, the demand for financial services by modern enterprise groups is no longer just a single demand for capital management, but has risen to the comprehensive and individualized demand for the deep integration of industrial capital and financial capital. However, compared with other financial institutions, foreign financial companies are faced with the external environment of uncertain regulatory policies, intensified competition among financial institutions, low level of internal management and unclear functional positioning. Management is restricted by the parent company of the group and other internal environment, resulting in difficulties in development, strategic management is impossible, which to a certain extent restricts the scientific and sustainable development of financial companies of enterprise groups. First of all, this paper takes financial company research theory and enterprise development strategy theory as the theoretical basis to study the development strategy of financial company of Jiugang, and through expounding the development course and function orientation of financial company at home and abroad. This paper compares and analyzes the differences in the functional positioning of financial companies at home and abroad, and puts forward the significance and functional positioning of financial companies. Secondly, this paper describes the development of Jiugang Group and the management of financial companies, and points out the characteristics of enterprise management and the present development situation of Jiugang Finance Company, which provides a realistic basis for the study of the development strategy of Jiugang Finance Company. Then using the enterprise development strategy analysis tool, this paper analyzes and summarizes the internal and external environment of Jiugang Finance Company, and makes a comprehensive integration of the external and internal environment of Jiugang Finance Company by SWOT analysis. The paper points out the opportunities and threats in the external environment, the advantages and disadvantages in the internal environment, and formulates the development strategy of Jiugang Finance Company. Finally, the paper puts forward the implementation and control measures of the future development strategy of Jiugang Finance Company, and provides operational suggestions for the effective implementation of the financial company's development strategy.


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