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发布时间:2018-04-25 01:14

  本文选题:XBRL + 财务信息 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:企业多平台运作的今天,不同形式的信息难以相互转换,实现顺畅的交流。XBRL是在可扩展标签语言(XML)的基础上发展下来的,,是企业信息,尤其是财务报告信息在信息交换方面的发展。SEC在2005年3月16日发布了最终规则33-8529,鼓励SEC的成员在披露财务报告时自愿使用XBRL。在法律未予以强制规定的情况下,XBRL这种先进形式信息的自愿披露可在一定程度上向投资者传达诸多利好信号,且XBRL这几年里在我国迅速发展起来,探索XBRL已经成为大势所趋,探究该披露形式是否对中国市场有影响,这对以后XBRL在我国的推广具有重大意义。 鉴于此,本文在信息不对称及委托代理理论的支撑下对XBRL财务信息披露形式的市场效应进行实证研究。通过信号传递理论分析及借鉴相关学者的研究,本文认为,信息披露质量能够较好地衡量XBRL的市场效应,而信息披露质量以信息不对称程度为主要衡量方法。为了方便形成对照组,本文的样本建立在未全部采用XBRL披露形式的上交所上市公司之上。通过运用回归分析以及方差分析的实证方法,我们发现XBRL报表披露形式对信息不对称有显著影响,但两者的关系虽然显著却程度微弱,随后我们进一步证明了在我国市场,大型公司要比中小型公司在采用XBRL政策后降低信息不对称效果更强。 基于上述结论,本文以无影灯效应理论为支撑,通过引申产生无影灯效应的四部件和经济学原理来分析产生这种结果的原因,提出了普及大量应用实体、提升XBRL审计质量、完善分类标准体系以及政府提供适当的平台这四点建议,以期有益于投资者决策以及XBRL在我国的推广。
[Abstract]:Today, when enterprises are operating on multiple platforms, it is difficult for different forms of information to be converted to each other. The realization of smooth communication. XBRL is developed on the basis of extensible markup language (XML), and it is enterprise information. In particular, the development of financial reporting information in the exchange of information. The SEC issued final rules 33-8529 on March 16, 2005, encouraging members of SEC to voluntarily use XBRL when disclosing financial reports. The voluntary disclosure of XBRL, an advanced form of information, can, to a certain extent, convey a lot of positive signals to investors in the absence of compulsory provisions by law. Moreover, XBRL has developed rapidly in China in recent years, and exploring XBRL has become the trend of the times. It is of great significance to explore whether the disclosure form has an impact on the Chinese market, which is of great significance to the future promotion of XBRL in China. In view of this, this paper makes an empirical study on the market effect of XBRL financial information disclosure under the support of asymmetric information and principal-agent theory. Based on the analysis of signal transmission theory and the research of relevant scholars, this paper holds that the quality of information disclosure can better measure the market effect of XBRL, while the quality of information disclosure is mainly measured by the degree of information asymmetry. To facilitate the formation of a control group, the sample is based on the listed companies in the form of XBRL disclosures. By using the empirical method of regression analysis and variance analysis, we find that the form of XBRL report disclosure has a significant effect on information asymmetry, but the relationship between the two is weak, and then we further prove that in our country market. Large companies are more effective at reducing information asymmetries than small-and-medium-sized companies adopting XBRL policies. Based on the above conclusion, based on the theory of shadow lamp effect, this paper analyzes the causes of this result by extending the four components and the economic principle of the shadow lamp effect, and proposes to popularize a large number of application entities to improve the audit quality of XBRL. The four suggestions of perfecting the classification standard system and the government providing appropriate platform are expected to be beneficial to investors' decision making and the promotion of XBRL in our country.


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