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发布时间:2018-04-25 07:13

  本文选题:管理会计 + 暨南大学 ; 参考:《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》2013年10期

[Abstract]:Under the leadership of Professor Hu Yuming, the research team on financial strategy and management accounting is an innovation team with Ding Yougang, Jiang Wei, Lu Xin, Xiao Jihui, Su Zhongyue, Guo Baochun, and other middle-aged and young academic backbone as the core. Strategic finance and capital operation, executive incentive and performance evaluation, cost management and control system, corporate governance and enterprise growth, internal control and risk management have formed a stable research direction and research advantages. Professor Hu Yuming, the leader of the team, is currently professor of Accounting Department of Jinan University / Center of Management Accounting of Jinan University and doctoral supervisor. At present, the research direction is management accounting theory and practice, and the teaching field is management accounting (undergraduate students, financial statement analysis, MPAccMBA and MPAccMBA).


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3 彭淑珍;关于在商业银行中应用管理会计的几点看法[J];中国农业银行武汉管理干部学院学报;1998年04期

4 李永梅;提高管理会计应用水平的途径[J];广西会计;1999年04期

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9 杜中纯;管理会计在企业中的应用[J];河北审计;2002年02期

10 李娜;银行业务中管理会计的运用[J];辽宁经济;2002年08期

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1 辛桂丽;;管理会计在医院管理中的运用[A];第二届航天医院管理论坛论文汇编[C];2010年

2 张晨;任晓红;;后金融危机时期我国管理会计的发展和创新[A];中国会计学会高等工科院校分会2010年学术年会论文集[C];2010年

3 胡伟;夏U,




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