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发布时间:2018-04-25 11:45

  本文选题:农村公路 + 建养资金 ; 参考:《长安大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:农村公路的快速、健康发展是新农村建设快速发展的有力保障,是解决“三农”问题,改善农民生活,发展农村经济的重要基础设施。2003年以来,全国农村公路呈现出快速发展的趋势,,农村公路总里程达到378.48万公里,乡镇和建制村通沥青(水泥)路率分别达到97.85%和88.99%。农村公路里程短、分布面广、项目分散,由于农村公路的公益性,农村公路建设与养护资金的来源主要是财政性资金,在实际中,建养资金的使用存在安全性低、效益不明显等问题,对建养资金的监管工作存在资金管理分散、监管制度不完善、监管主体不明确及基础工作薄弱等问题。可见,我国农村公路的建设与养护已经取得了可喜的成绩,但是未来仍将面临十分艰巨的建设与养护任务,用于农村公路建设与养护的资金压力尤为巨大。 在此背景下,本文以“加强农村公路建养资金安全性与使用效益”为出发点和落脚点,力求在目前国家政府职能转变、财政改革及对交通专项资金实行转移支付管理的大背景下,在分析农村公路建养资金使用监管体制现状的基础上,深入研究目前资金监管中存在的问题及产生问题的根本原因,从加强内部监管与提高外部监管两个方面提出加强农村公路建养资金使用监管的对策,以中部X省建养资金监管体制现状为基础进行实证研究,搭建农村公路建养资金使用监管体系,建立规范化的项目绩效评价指标体系,从而加强对用于农村公路建设与养护的有限财政性资金的有效监管,确保财政性资金的安全性和使用效益,为全国农村公路建养资金的监管工作规范化、标准化提供可行性建议。
[Abstract]:The rapid and healthy development of rural roads is a powerful guarantee for the rapid development of new rural construction, and an important infrastructure to solve the "three rural" problems, to improve farmers' lives, and to develop the rural economy. The total mileage of rural roads reached 3.7848 million km, and the asphalt (cement) rates of villages and towns reached 97.85% and 88.99% respectively. The mileage of rural roads is short, the distribution is wide and the projects are scattered. Because of the public welfare of rural highways, the main source of funds for rural highway construction and maintenance is financial funds. In practice, the use of funds for construction and maintenance is low in safety. There are some problems in the supervision of the construction and maintenance fund, such as the dispersion of fund management, the imperfect supervision system, the unclear supervision subject and the weak foundation work, etc. It can be seen that the construction and maintenance of rural roads in China has made gratifying achievements, but in the future will still face a very difficult task of construction and maintenance, especially the financial pressure for the construction and maintenance of rural roads. Under this background, this article takes "strengthens the rural highway construction and maintenance fund security and the use benefit" as the starting point and the foothold, strives to change in the present national government function, Under the background of financial reform and transfer payment management of special transportation funds, on the basis of analyzing the current situation of the supervision system of rural highway construction and maintenance funds, this paper deeply studies the problems existing in the current fund supervision and the root causes of the problems. From two aspects of strengthening the internal supervision and improving the external supervision, the paper puts forward the countermeasures of strengthening the supervision of the rural highway construction and maintenance funds, and makes an empirical study based on the current situation of the supervision system of the construction and maintenance funds in the central X province. Set up the supervision system of rural highway construction and maintenance fund, establish the standardized project performance evaluation index system, so as to strengthen the effective supervision of the limited financial funds used for rural highway construction and maintenance. To ensure the safety and efficiency of financial funds and provide feasible suggestions for the supervision and standardization of rural highway construction and maintenance funds in China.


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