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发布时间:2018-04-25 13:02

  本文选题:流程再造 + 财务管理 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:进入新世纪以来,由于信息技术和计算机的普及,大学的信息网络建设有了长足进步,然而由于目前大学财务部门专业处理软件很多是不同公司、不同阶段开发的,这些系统的兼容性、功能及操作方法等各个方面都存在着明显的不同,这种情况,严重制约了高校财务管理的信息化进程,成为阻碍大学进一步发展的因素之一。 论文以信息传输理论为依据,对于学校的财务业务的运转过程进行考察,整理出基本的运行规律,把财务部门与其它业务部门的关系理清,明确它们之间关系,,在此基础上形成新型的财务部门信息处理模式,也就是说建立起以信息技术为基础,为互联网为平台和载体的财务信息处理模式。 通过这样的一个系统,可以使财务主管部门和设备采购部门、政工部门和技术部门有效的联系在一起,形成数据和信息的互联互能,使相关的科室的信息和数据处理成为一个整体,加强内部管理和监控,实现信息的实时搜集和处理,实现业务活动的信息化、网络化、集成化。 系统的一大亮点是在报销单据上设置了条形码,通过这种方式,可以大大降低劳动强度,增强工作的规范性,减少人为因素的影响,并能实现信息的实时录入、搜集、整理和传输。 系统的投入使用可以有效减少工作人员的工作量,增强会议处理的质量,提高资金使用的效率,加强对于资金流的控制和监管,增强财务报表的真实性、准确性、有效性。可以极大的提高内部管理质量,增强资金管理和使用的效果。
[Abstract]:Since the beginning of the new century, with the popularization of information technology and computers, the construction of information networks in universities has made great progress. However, at present, many professional processing software of the financial departments of universities are developed by different companies and at different stages. There are obvious differences in the compatibility, function and operation methods of these systems, which seriously restrict the information process of financial management in colleges and universities, and become one of the factors hindering the further development of universities. Based on the theory of information transmission, this paper investigates the operation process of the financial business of the school, arranges the basic operating rules, clarifies the relationship between the financial department and other business departments, and clarifies the relationship between them. On this basis, a new financial department information processing mode is formed, that is to say, a financial information processing model based on information technology, as a platform and carrier for the Internet. Through such a system, the finance department and the equipment purchasing department, the political and industrial department and the technical department can be effectively linked together to form the interconnection of data and information. It makes the information and data processing of relevant departments become a whole, strengthens the internal management and monitoring, realizes the real-time collection and processing of information, and realizes the informationization, networking and integration of business activities. One of the highlights of the system is to set up bar codes on reimbursement documents. Through this way, the intensity of labor can be greatly reduced, the standardization of work can be enhanced, the influence of human factors can be reduced, and the real-time input and collection of information can be realized. Collation and transmission. The input and use of the system can effectively reduce the workload of the staff, enhance the quality of the meeting processing, improve the efficiency of the use of funds, strengthen the control and supervision of the fund flow, and enhance the authenticity, accuracy and validity of the financial statements. Can greatly improve the quality of internal management, enhance the effectiveness of fund management and use.


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