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发布时间:2018-04-26 09:01

  本文选题:会计师事务所 + 能力追赶 ; 参考:《南京理工大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the deepening of reform and opening up, Chinese accounting firms are also constantly developing. Looking at the development of accounting firms in China, from the initial stage of the founding of New China, which was interrupted by the implementation of highly centralized planned economy, to the restoration and reconstruction of the initial period of reform and opening up, and to the development of learning norms from the 1990s to international universities, After entering the 21st century, the accounting firms in China have realized effective catch-up after accelerating the development of internationalization and even surpassing some international institutions. Based on this, this dissertation starts from the angle of ability catch-up of local accounting firm, based on the theory of resource view and dynamic ability view, constructs the model of ability catch-up of local accounting firm as a latecomer enterprise. Through the longitudinal case study of Lixin Institute from 1986 to 2012, this paper deeply analyzes the catch-up path of Lixin Institute, and verifies the proposed catch-up model. Through in-depth theoretical analysis and detailed case studies, In this paper, some meaningful conclusions are obtained: firstly, the process of ability catch-up of accounting firms is "environment scanning and analysis-clear capability requirement-ability reconfiguration and investment-ability sudden" under the action of dynamic mechanism. Breaking-ability balance-- Environmental scanning and Analysis.-- the process of dynamic Circulation of capability balance, Among them, dynamic mechanism causes resource and ability to change, real change depends on the key role of learning mechanism, matching mechanism ensures that change does not deviate from track, and promotes resources and ability to approach the changing environment step by step; secondly, The background of the transition economy has a profound impact on the catching up of accounting firms in China: the catch-up of accounting firms before the decoupling and restructuring is the result of the development of the CPA industry in catching up with the foreign industries, and after the decoupling and reforming of the accounting firms, The deepening of economic reform leads to the opening of accounting market and the increasingly fierce competition between accounting firms. Driven by competition, the awareness of local accounting firms to catch up is becoming stronger and stronger.


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