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发布时间:2018-08-17 12:41
[Abstract]:Chen Yugui, executive deputy secretary of the party committee of the China Certified Public Accountants Industry and vice chairman and secretary general of the China National Annotation Association, pointed out in a speech at a meeting on the promotion of the establishment of the Youth Civilization number in the CPA profession that since the establishment of the Industry League Committee, Under the correct leadership of the industrial party committee and the concrete guidance of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, positive efforts have been made and remarkable results have been achieved. In the future, it is necessary to make clear the objectives, find a correct position, and carry out the founding activities well; highlight the key points, innovate the carriers, and further promote the building of the industry team; strengthen leadership, pool joint efforts, and promote the work of the industry party committees at all levels. The League organization and the youth of the League all shoulder their due duties.
【作者单位】: 中国注册会计师行业党委;中注协;


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