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发布时间:2018-09-06 13:50
【摘要】:资金之于企业,如同血液之于人体一样,其重要性不言而喻。充足的资金保障是中小企业生存和发展壮大的最基本的条件,但是在目前的经济形势下,我国中小企业普遍面临着较为严重的资金瓶颈和融资难问题。中小企业自身规模小,实力弱,虽然有些公司具备做大做强的条件,但是难以从大型银行机构贷款融资以用于设备、技术升级和扩大生产规模;长期以来面向民营中小企业的股权交易平台发展滞后,通过资本市场进行股权直接融资更是他们不敢想象的事情。资金瓶颈限制着企业的进一步发展,东营GR农业有限公司(以下简称“GR公司”)便是这种中小企业的典型代表。 本文从中小企业融资的基础理论入手,通过分析GR公司的现状及融资需求,结合有关利好政策及自身的竞争优势,提出通过在OTC(场外交易市场)天津股权交易所(以下简称“天交所”)挂牌融资的方案,并剖析了GR公司在天交所挂牌如何定位、企业的前景及竞争优势、发现的问题与解决方案及具体的尽职调查、股份制改造、私募定价、申报审查等一系列挂牌的基本操作步骤,,并且对像GR公司一样的中小企业通过天交所等OTC市场进行直接融资的适应性规范化建设提出了一些建议。 通过登陆资本市场,在融集资金的同时带动民营企业深化改革、促进规范化管理、扩大企业知名度的思路,近年来在政府、学术和企业界有较高的认同度。将民营中小企业置于资本市场竞争的大环境中和广大投资者的直接监督之下,在较短时间内,可帮助民营企业实现“融资与发展”双重目标,对像GR公司一样的众多民营中小企业健康成长具有重要意义。希望通过本文,可为类似的中小企业提供抛砖引玉的参考作用。
[Abstract]:Funds to enterprises, as blood to the human body, its importance is self-evident. Adequate capital guarantee is the most basic condition for the survival and development of small and medium-sized enterprises. However, under the present economic situation, SMEs in our country are generally faced with serious capital bottlenecks and financing difficulties. Small and medium-sized enterprises have small scale and weak strength. Although some companies have the conditions to be bigger and stronger, it is difficult for them to borrow from large banks to finance equipment, upgrade technology and expand the scale of production. For a long time, the stock trading platform for private small and medium-sized enterprises has lagged behind, and it is unthinkable for them to carry out equity direct financing through the capital market. Capital bottleneck restricts the further development of enterprises. Dongying GR Agriculture Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "GR Company") is a typical representative of this kind of small and medium-sized enterprises. This paper begins with the basic theory of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises, through the analysis of the current situation and financing needs of GR Company, combined with the relevant favorable policies and their own competitive advantages. This paper puts forward the scheme of listing financing in OTC Tianjin Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as Tianjiao Exchange), and analyzes how to locate the listing of GR Company in Tianjiao Stock Exchange, the prospect and competitive advantage of the company. Found problems and solutions and specific due diligence, joint-stock transformation, private equity pricing, application review and other basic operational procedures, Some suggestions are put forward for the construction of adaptive standardization of direct financing for small and medium-sized enterprises such as GR through the OTC market such as Tianjiao Institute. In recent years, the government, academic and business circles have a high degree of recognition in the government, academic and business circles through landing on the capital market to promote private enterprises to deepen reform, promote standardized management, and expand the popularity of enterprises. Putting small and medium-sized private enterprises under the general environment of capital market competition and the direct supervision of the vast number of investors can help private enterprises to achieve the dual goal of "financing and development" in a relatively short period of time. It is of great significance to the healthy growth of many small and medium-sized private enterprises like GR. Hope that through this article, for similar small and medium-sized enterprises to provide a reference role.


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