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发布时间:2018-09-07 08:07
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and the increasing consumption of energy, the phenomenon of energy shortage becomes more and more prominent. The development of energy saving, green and renewable new renewable energy has become one of the themes of economic development. Biomass energy is one of the most important renewable energy sources. With the rise of biomass energy, a series of enterprises have developed, but still face many obstacles. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the development and performance of biomass energy enterprises. At present, there are few quantitative studies in this field in China. In this paper, DEA data envelopment analysis is used to evaluate the performance of biomass energy enterprises in China. The paper selects the book value of fixed assets, the number of in-service employees, the main business cost, the main business income, the basic earnings per share. Six suitable financial indexes of total profit and tax as input index and output index of the model and 16 biomass energy enterprises listed before 2009 were taken as the research object, and the trend of efficiency change in the five years from 2009 to 2013 was compared longitudinally. The differences of operating performance among different types of biomass fuel enterprises are compared horizontally, and the reasons are analyzed, and the above 6 indexes are selected as weights, based on the data of 2009 and 2013. This paper analyzes the development of biomass energy enterprises in different types and regions of China by using correspondence analysis, such as enterprise size, fixed investment, manpower investment, profit, and so on, and observes the distribution characteristics of biomass energy enterprises in order to sum up their development. Compare their differences and trends over the past five years. The results show that: from 2009 to 2013, biomass energy enterprises in China generally have technology inefficiency and scale invalidation, especially biomass energy upstream raw materials enterprises, the whole gradually transition from scale return increasing stage to scale return decline stage; The operating efficiency of a single biomass energy enterprise fluctuates greatly, and it has no obvious improvement in five years. It has developed to the upstream raw material enterprise in 2013, and the comprehensive efficiency of biomass fuel enterprise is higher than that of biomass energy equipment enterprise and biomass power generation enterprise. In terms of enterprise development analysis, biomass energy enterprises in different regions of China can be roughly divided into three categories. Among them, the biomass energy enterprises in Tianjin and Jiangsu have advanced development in some indicators, but the overall development is not balanced. Hubei, Guangdong, Shaanxi, Gansu, The development of biomass energy enterprises in Heilongjiang and Hainan is in the middle but relatively comprehensive. In Guangxi, Inner Mongolia and Anhui, the development level of biomass energy enterprises is relatively low. Among the various types of biomass energy enterprises, biomass power generation enterprises have the best development situation. The level of development of bio-energy equipment enterprises is low.


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