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发布时间:2018-09-07 10:32
[Abstract]:In order to adapt to the process of the central financial reform, the educational system is also undergoing changes. The scale of running a university is expanding, the sources of funds are developing in many ways, how to manage and use these funds well, how to improve the efficiency of the use of funds, how to speed up the management level of colleges and universities, are all urgent problems to be solved. The improvement of the level of budget management is one of the necessary conditions for the long-term development of colleges and universities. Colleges and universities must subvert the traditional concept of budget management and strengthen the status and role of budget management in the daily management of colleges and universities. The system literature illustrates the experience and Enlightenment of budget management in foreign universities and colleges. Then it focuses on the analysis of the actual situation of S University. Through field investigation, it lists the statistical data from 2014 to 2015, and analyzes in detail the practical problems of S University in the income and expenditure budget and the deficiencies of the system and process in the whole budget process. Finally, based on the problem-oriented, this paper puts forward the optimization measures of university budget management: further improving the budget preparation, implementation, supervision of the separation of "three powers" principle, the principle of open budget review procedures, open budget and the participation of teachers and students; the dynamic cycle model is based on the PDCA quality management method, and the university budget management compilation. System, execution, supervision, analysis and evaluation are consistent, thus changing the static management, hoping to build a more flexible and perfect management model; informationization construction is based on the financial management system information, independent of a budget management system, from the basic data collection, budget preparation, budget revision, pre-budget Finally, the establishment of the budget performance evaluation system is based on the establishment of various performance indicators, so that the budget can be fairly and impartially analyzed and evaluated to reduce the contradictions in the implementation.


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