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发布时间:2018-09-14 13:42
【摘要】:华为技术有限公司是一家大型的综合通信设备制造企业,从1987年成立到现在,公司遇到了一系列的窘境和困难。比如,发展初期的融资困难,2003年非典时期出口受阻,骨干员工流失,2008年全球金融危机时期经济萧条,全球需求下降,员工股票大批赎回以及2012年后通信行业大洗牌,2013年国内银行停止为员工提供贷款等。在这期间一些耳熟能详的大型国外通信企业(例如:西门子,北电,摩托罗拉等)都已经纷纷退出了历史舞台,,爱立信、诺基亚西门子和朗讯-阿尔卡特等国际巨头的整体市场占有率都不同程度的萎缩了,但是华为公司却大踏步的向前发展,销售额从1987年的100多万元增长到2013年的2200多亿元,已经全面超越爱立信成为全球销售额排名第一的通信公司,员工也已经从当初的国内几十人发展到现在的遍布全球的十几万人,这不得不让我们深思华为公司成功背后的原因。本文认为华为公司的股权激励制度是其成功的最重要的原因,在不同的发展时期起到了举足轻重的作用,有它独特的内容和形式,本文将对华为公司的股权激励制度进行研究。 本文首先从股权激励制度与公司业绩关系的视角对国内外股权激励制度的相关研究进行了总结,并阐述了股权激励理论及主要的实施模式;其次,结合不同背景下华为公司股权激励制度的发展历程,总结出华为公司股权激励制度的主要特点,并从股权激励制度的理论和实施模式角度出发,分析了华为公司股权激励制度成功的内在原因及其适用性;最后,把华为和中兴通讯公司的股权激励制度进行了对比分析,并结合上市公司的面板数据,运用T检验的方法证明了股权激励制度与公司业绩具有正相关性。 本文研究了华为公司股权激励制度的主要特点以及实施模式,华为公司实施了高强度和广度的股权激励制度,稀释了大股东的比例,在饱和配股的同时,实现了分配的公平和效率,并且把股权激励和公司的经济效益挂钩,大大激发了员工的工作积极性。希望华为公司的股权激励制度的特点和实施模式能够对其他企业的股权激励制度起到有效的借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:Huawei Technology Co., Ltd. is a large integrated communications equipment manufacturing company, from its establishment in 1987 to now, the company has encountered a series of difficulties and difficulties. For example, financing difficulties in the early stages of development, export disruptions during the SARS period in 2003, loss of key staff, economic depression during the global financial crisis in 2008, and declining global demand, Massive stock redemptions by employees and a shake-up in the communications industry after 2012 stopped domestic banks from lending to employees in 2013. During this period, a number of well-known foreign telecommunications enterprises (such as Siemens, Nortel, Motorola, etc.) have withdrawn from the historical stage one after another, Ericsson, While the overall market share of international giants such as Nokia Siemens and Lucent Alcatel has shrunk to varying degrees, Huawei has made great strides forward, with sales increasing from more than 10 million yuan in 1987 to more than 22 billion yuan in 2013. Has overtaken Ericsson to become the world's largest communications company by sales, and its employees have grown from dozens at home to more than 100, 000 worldwide, which has led us to ponder the reasons behind Huawei's success. This paper holds that the equity incentive system of Huawei Company is the most important reason for its success. It plays an important role in different periods of development and has its unique content and form. This paper will study the stock right incentive system of Huawei Company. Firstly, this paper summarizes the research on the equity incentive system at home and abroad from the perspective of the relationship between equity incentive system and company performance, and expounds the equity incentive theory and the main implementation mode. Combined with the development course of the stock right incentive system of Huawei Company under different background, this paper summarizes the main characteristics of the equity incentive system of Huawei Company, and sets out from the angle of the theory and implementation mode of the stock right incentive system. This paper analyzes the internal reasons for the success of the equity incentive system of Huawei and its applicability. Finally, the paper compares the equity incentive system of Huawei and ZTE, and combines the panel data of listed companies. The method of T-test is used to prove the positive correlation between equity incentive system and corporate performance. This paper studies the main characteristics and implementation mode of Huawei's equity incentive system. Huawei has implemented a high intensity and wide equity incentive system, which dilutes the proportion of large shareholders and saturates the rights issue at the same time. The fairness and efficiency of distribution are realized, and the equity incentive is linked with the economic benefit of the company, which greatly stimulates the enthusiasm of the staff. It is hoped that the characteristics and implementation mode of Huawei's equity incentive system can be used as an effective reference for other enterprises' equity incentive system.


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