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发布时间:2018-09-17 16:44
【摘要】:建设项目日趋复杂化,伴随复杂的施工和合同文件,往往会产生复杂的冲突和争端。争端本身是一项无增值的活动,但为解决争端却会产生较高的成本,甚至造成诸多或潜在或长远的影响。本文对为解决争端所付出的成本进行定量分析,提出预测交易成本的方法,这将有助于争端参与方在解决争端时识别和分析可能产生的交易成本,辅助争端方选择合适的争端解决决策,避免争端升级,减少解决争端所花费的成本。 本文基于国内外学者已有研究成果提出的因素,同时将专家访谈提到的因素作为补充,提出工程争端交易成本的因素体系,将交易成本分为显性交易成本和隐性交易成本加以研究。针对不易识别的隐性交易成本因素,通过调研问卷对其因素产生损失的重要性程度进行定量分析,对调研数据的描述性统计进行系统分析,发现承包商方和业主方感知到的隐性成本因素的重要性程度存在一定偏差。承包商方认为损失最大的因素为丧失未来合作产生的损失,而业主方认为损失最大的因素为项目工期延误产生的损失。为此,,本文运用主成分因子分析法对隐性成本因素的重要性程度进行进一步深入分析,利用两种算法计算隐性成本因素的权重,其结果是因素的权重略有差异。综合两种算法,得到了对隐性成本影响较大的五个因素分别为其他合作、未来合作、承包商投标竞争力损失、资金延迟回收损失和后续工作质量损失。 基于对工程争端交易成本因素体系的识别,进一步提出工程争端交易成本量化预测方法。通过结构化访谈和调研问卷相结合的方式收集了21个工程项目争端案例,对其进行数据分析和总结,预测出交易成本,以求帮助争端参与方在争端发生时,对解决争端所花费的交易成本进行合理预测,客观理性地设置谈判底价和看待谈判结果,避免争端进一步升级。 本研究还针对业主最为重视的工期延误损失因素,以工程进度和质量绩效两个因素为例,对降低交易成本,友好解决争端进行了进一步讨论。结果显示,当争端发生时,如承包商能保证工程进度和质量,避免工期延误,业主会对承包商付出的努力给予认可,为自己的利益作出适当让步,承包商也会从中降低因工期延误损失和质量缺陷损失所带来的隐性成本,在冲突和争端中找到互利的结果。
[Abstract]:Construction projects are becoming more and more complicated, accompanied by complex construction and contract documents, often lead to complex conflicts and disputes. Dispute itself is a non-value-added activity, but in order to resolve the dispute, it will have higher cost, and even cause many or potential or long-term effects. In this paper, the cost of dispute settlement is quantitatively analyzed, and the method of forecasting transaction cost is put forward, which will help the dispute participants to identify and analyze the transaction costs that may be incurred in the settlement of the dispute. Assist the disputing parties to choose the appropriate dispute settlement decision, avoid the dispute escalation, and reduce the cost of dispute settlement. Based on the factors put forward by scholars at home and abroad and the factors mentioned in expert interviews, this paper puts forward the factor system of transaction cost of engineering disputes. The transaction cost is divided into explicit transaction cost and implicit transaction cost. Aiming at the hidden transaction cost factors which are not easy to identify, this paper makes a quantitative analysis on the importance of the loss caused by the factors through the questionnaire, and makes a systematic analysis on the descriptive statistics of the survey data. It is found that the importance of the hidden cost factors perceived by the contractor and the owner has some deviation. The contractor considers that the biggest loss is the loss of future cooperation, while the owner believes that the biggest loss is the loss caused by the delay in the project construction period. Therefore, this paper uses principal component factor analysis method to further analyze the importance of hidden cost factors, using the two algorithms to calculate the weight of hidden cost factors, the result is that the weight of factors is slightly different. By synthesizing the two algorithms, five factors which have a great influence on the hidden cost are obtained: other cooperation, future cooperation, contractor bidding competitiveness loss, fund delay recovery loss and subsequent work quality loss. Based on the identification of the transaction cost system of the construction dispute, a quantitative forecasting method for the transaction cost of the construction dispute is proposed. Through the combination of structured interviews and questionnaires, 21 cases of project disputes were collected, and the data were analyzed and summarized to predict the transaction costs in order to help the dispute participants in the dispute. The transaction cost of dispute settlement is predicted reasonably, the lowest price of negotiation is set objectively and rationally, and the negotiation result is viewed, so as to avoid further escalation of the dispute. This study also aims at the factors of delay and loss in the construction period that the owners attach most importance to, taking the two factors of project schedule and quality performance as examples, the further discussion is made on reducing transaction cost and settling disputes amicably. The results show that when a dispute arises, if the contractor can guarantee the progress and quality of the project and avoid delays in the construction period, the employer will recognize the efforts made by the contractor and make appropriate concessions for his own benefit. The contractor will also reduce the hidden cost due to delay and quality defect losses and find mutually beneficial results in conflicts and disputes.


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