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发布时间:2018-10-07 17:43
【摘要】:金融是经济的核心,资本是产业的纽带。现代企业的运营越来越离不开金融创新和资本运营,因此,战略融资也被越来越多的企业所器重。在世界经济格局迅速变化的今天,企业要生存、要发展更是离不开行业重组、战略结盟、资本运营、产业运作等战略融资。为了达到生存和发展的目的,企业要做大做强就要树立一流企业的管理目标,与时俱进积极进行产业升级,构建适合企业特征的战略融资体系。 在外部环境日益复杂化的时代,TR公司碳酸二甲酯项目处于金融市场、人才市场和信息市场运营体系不断完善的市场经济体系中,TR公司碳酸二甲酯项目资金的取得和运用存在着多种选择。但是如何有效地筹集、调配、使用资金使TR公司碳酸二甲酯项目高效运营便显得极为重要,所有这些都依赖于企业管理层和决策层进行合适合理的融资策略的制定和实施。因此,TR公司碳酸二甲酯项目如何有效地在激烈的市场竞争中,充分利用F集团强大的人、财、物、信息等资源,拓宽项目融资渠道,让TR公司碳酸二甲酯项目顺利实施,解决目前公司资金瓶颈,是目前TR公司迫切需要解决的问题。 本文首先通过对企业融资相关理论知识的研究,探讨融资战略在项目资金筹集中如何得到有效的应用,进一步把握现代企业融资理念,掌握现代企业融资方式,进而在项目运营中应用现代企业融资技巧,促进项目的顺利实施。在现代企业融资理论的支撑下,通过对TR公司碳酸二甲酯项目融资需求的分析,结合现代融资理论,为TR公司碳酸二甲酯项目设计出最佳融资方案,解决TR公司碳酸二甲酯项目融资难题,为提高TR公司财务对环境的适应能力、应变能力,提高TR公司碳酸二甲酯项目对财务资源的利用效率,实现TR公司远期规划目标提供指导意见。
[Abstract]:Finance is the core of economy and capital is the link of industry. The operation of modern enterprises is more and more inseparable from financial innovation and capital operation, therefore, strategic financing is valued by more and more enterprises. With the rapid change of the world economic pattern, enterprises need to survive and develop without strategic financing, such as industry reorganization, strategic alliance, capital operation, industrial operation and so on. In order to achieve the purpose of survival and development, it is necessary for enterprises to become bigger and stronger, to set up the management objectives of first-class enterprises, to advance with the times and actively carry out industrial upgrading, and to construct a strategic financing system suitable for the characteristics of enterprises. At a time when the external environment is becoming increasingly complex, the tr company's Dimethyl Carbonate project is in the financial market. In the market economy system of talent market and information market, there are many options for obtaining and using the project fund of dimethyl carbonate of tr company. However, how to effectively raise, allocate and use funds to make TR company's Dimethyl Carbonate project efficient operation is very important, all of which depend on the enterprise management and decision makers to make and implement the appropriate and reasonable financing strategy. Therefore, how to make full use of F group's powerful resources, such as people, money, material, information and so on, in the fierce market competition of dimethyl carbonate project of tr company, how to widen the financing channel of the project, so that the project of dimethyl carbonate of TR company can be carried out smoothly? To solve the current company's capital bottleneck, is the urgent need to solve the current TR problems. In this paper, through the study of the related theory knowledge of enterprise financing, this paper discusses how to apply financing strategy in project fund raising effectively, further grasps the modern enterprise financing idea, and grasps the financing mode of modern enterprise. Then in the project operation, the application of modern enterprise financing skills to promote the smooth implementation of the project. Under the support of modern enterprise financing theory, through the analysis of TR company's project financing demand of dimethyl carbonate, combining with modern financing theory, the author designs the best financing scheme for TR company's dimethyl carbonate project. To solve the financing problem of dimethyl carbonate project of TR company, to improve the adaptability and adaptability of finance to environment of TR company, and to improve the efficiency of utilizing financial resources of dimethyl carbonate project of TR company. Provide guidance to achieve TR long-term planning goals.


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